education/comments needed


New Member
I have my i-485 application sent in April. RD=04/10/2001 and ND=04/29/2001. I have also done my fingerprints on 10/19/2001 and they are fine according to an IIO. The case is pending and the AVM is still "900 days ....". My concern is that I (and everyone) have not received pay checks since August from my sponsoring company although still working there. If INS asks for RFE then I will hove trouble. But if not, does that mean that INS would not check my employment status before the case is approved? Recently I heard from one of my coworker that my boss said my case had some security issue and would last much longer. I wonder how he came up with this comment. Was that the result of an INS inquiry and he did something adversely to me. The company really need me to stay with them.

Please give your comments or education on i-485 processing. What does INS do in the process. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.

i am in the same situation

well my employer has a lot of money, 250 consulatants, none at bench but he is not paying me. My billing rate is $110/hr and he gives me a expense chq only. Reason being he knows that i would leave after 180 days are over and he is trying to micromanage me in all possible ways. So i am going to DOL and get my paychq thru them.
Post the name of your company.

If your company is too greedy, please let others know. This stops others from joining your company