EB 2 denial - need some options please -


Registered Users (C)

I got a denial for my PERM

The reason is mentioned below
The notice of filing for the Application for Permanent Employment Certification does not contain the address of the appropriate Certifying Officer at the National Processing Center with jurisdiction over the application. The appropriate address for the area of intended employment is "Atlanta Processing Center, H......... " etc..

my first question - who should have seen this --> my attorney or my employer ?

my second question - what are the possibilities that I have at this stage

I got my first h1 in 2005 through company A. I changed employer in 2007 as H1 transfer and the new H1 is valid till July 2010

Any help at this point will be helpful -

Thank You !
DOL has changed communication/filing address for PERM's. They are handled by Atlanta Processing Center,therefore, Atlanta's address should have been listed in internal job posting. I am assuming individuals/people who frequently file PERM's should have known this