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DV2008 winner from Indonesia

Hi Purity,
I received the NL at May 2, 2007 in US address. I am from Central Java. I have applied the DV lottery since 1996.
I am Indonesian and winner of DV 2007. I am already in USA now. Let me know if I can help. I did my CP in Singapore.

Good luck
Good to know there are many Indonesians here in this board. Glad to see you guys help each other. :)

Good luck guys... I remembered when I won the lottery but my number never got called. But I am sure this year everyone will be called. :)

How did you get Police certificate? where did you apply? POLDA or MABES?
Thank you,

Hi Anton,
You have to get the SKKB (surat keterangan Kelakuan Baik) from Mabes Polri.The embassy only want it that way.

I also PM speedys4 to ask about the procedure because,
although I know that we had to submit the one from Mabes, still some other Indonesian, tell me that in order to get the SKKB from Mabes.
first you have to go to Kelurahan and get SKKB from Lurah,
then get SKKB from Polres,then get SKKB from Polda.
AFter that, you submit the SKKB from POlda to Mabes,then Mabes issued you their SKKB based upon the SKKB from Polda.

Talk about complicated procedure huh.
This is caused by the computer system from Polda and Mabes is not online...

But still I heard that some people can get it from Mabes directly.That is what I want to know.Can we by pass all the procedure and just go to mabes?
I understand we might to pay "more" fees :)
as you know what I mean,
but it save so much time if we can do it directly.

So does anybody in here get it directly from Mabes,or have to go to Kelurahan ,Polres, and Polda first?

Can anybody here help us?

Thank you
My identity card (KTP) is not Jakarta. So I have to go back to my home town and get the police certificate from there. Before that, I have to get a reference letter from Kelurahan. Then I came to Jakarta to MABES Polri to get the real Police Certifivate. This is the US Embassy needs
hallo ... penonton!

Today I found a big white envelope in my mailbox from Kentucky Consular Center .. I thought it was another hoax (promotional) letter, but it is about I win the DV Lottery 2008. The letter come from Sweden dated on march 22, 2007. CS # 2008AS000057xx

I applied the lottery only once and it was just "iseng-iseng" since I never think about immigrating to the USA ... but I win .. happy? not really because:

1. I dont know what will I do in the USA?
2. It will cost to much, around 750 USD each person to continue the process(I have wife and 1 baby)
3. I have nobody (family/friend/trusted person) in the USA

can you help me to give opinion on why should I continue the process?
hallo ... penonton!

Today I found a big white envelope in my mailbox from Kentucky Consular Center .. I thought it was another hoax (promotional) letter, but it is about I win the DV Lottery 2008. The letter come from Sweden dated on march 22, 2007. CS # 2008AS000057xx

I applied the lottery only once and it was just "iseng-iseng" since I never think about immigrating to the USA ... but I win .. happy? not really because:

1. I dont know what will I do in the USA?
2. It will cost to much, around 750 USD each person to continue the process(I have wife and 1 baby)
3. I have nobody (family/friend/trusted person) in the USA

can you help me to give opinion on why should I continue the process?

Hi Hermawan,

Your situation was same with mine last year, I applied only 1 times and never thought that I would won. When I got the big white envelope,I didn't read the envelope for 3 days, and when I read it I thought it was hoax before I searched internet for more information and found this forum.

I wo DV 2007 and will going to move next week.
1&3You can find a job, tried to search your old contact, maybe one of your friend is there, or friend of friend. At least one Indonesian people that you know.
2. For 3 persons, it will be 745 USD x 3

For sure, there must be a way for you.

Halo Pak Hadi,

Yes... glad to know that lots of Indonesian people won the DV this year. Hope you find your luck this year too.

Hi All,

My case number is AS6XXX (thousand), from DV2007 file, I see that it will be current in June. Do you think I still have chance to get it?...does anybody has the same number as mine?.
Thank you...I am so afraid I will not get the luck...:-(

Hi Anton,
You have to get the SKKB (surat keterangan Kelakuan Baik) from Mabes Polri.The embassy only want it that way.

I also PM speedys4 to ask about the procedure because,
although I know that we had to submit the one from Mabes, still some other Indonesian, tell me that in order to get the SKKB from Mabes.
first you have to go to Kelurahan and get SKKB from Lurah,
then get SKKB from Polres,then get SKKB from Polda.
AFter that, you submit the SKKB from POlda to Mabes,then Mabes issued you their SKKB based upon the SKKB from Polda.

Talk about complicated procedure huh.
This is caused by the computer system from Polda and Mabes is not online...

But still I heard that some people can get it from Mabes directly.That is what I want to know.Can we by pass all the procedure and just go to mabes?
I understand we might to pay "more" fees :)
as you know what I mean,
but it save so much time if we can do it directly.

So does anybody in here get it directly from Mabes,or have to go to Kelurahan ,Polres, and Polda first?

Can anybody here help us?

Thank you


Btw it's not SKKB anymore they change it to SKCK (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian). I was having concerns also about gettting this letter, but I guess it was easy.

I went directly to POLDA, which over at sudirman, no letter from kelurahan or what so ever. I just went there and told the guy that I need the letter, he ask what is the purpose, I just told him for interviewing in the US embassy. Just don't say for 'green card' that's where they wanting some extra 'fee'.

They took my fingerprints first, the old fashion way, make sure you bring something to clean your fingers with. All they have is a dirty rag that have been used for who knows how many times.

Waited for about 30 min or so, and I got the SKCK and the guy ask for money and I gave him Rp 100 'ribu'. He didn't say anything so I guess that's enough ... try to give 50 'ribu' first if he ask for more then give extra '50'

The SKCK valid for 6 months, make sure you put that into consideration, and be sure to have it translated.


I'm writing my experience in the embassy as we speak and will share it with you guys as soon as I'm done...
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Hi SpeedyS4, I try to confirm your previous message. The required SKCK could be from POLDA, not only from MABES, right? So I think it would be no problem to ask SKCK from any POLDA in which I am living. Is it true?
Hi Hermawan,

Your situation was same with mine last year, I applied only 1 times and never thought that I would won. When I got the big white envelope,I didn't read the envelope for 3 days, and when I read it I thought it was hoax before I searched internet for more information and found this forum.

I wo DV 2007 and will going to move next week.
1&3You can find a job, tried to search your old contact, maybe one of your friend is there, or friend of friend. At least one Indonesian people that you know.
2. For 3 persons, it will be 745 USD x 3

For sure, there must be a way for you.


Thank you for your reply Vania
actually now I'm in Canada as a resident permanent and trying to finish my PhD ... I'm thinking to continue the DV process since I know that there is bigger opportunity to find a job in US than in Canada ..

Now I am searching for friends already there and ask them to allow me to use their address.

Everyone ... I have question concerning the SKCK.
for applying PR Canada, I sent only an SKCK issued by city police (POLRES) and they accepted it (the Canadian consulate in Detroit) .. I'm wondering if US consulate in Montreal (the closest consulate to me) may accept the same SKCK?

If it is not the case, is it possible to get an SKCK from Mabes POLRI while I'm here?

Hi, I am also from Indonesian. I received the letter not from KCC but from the agent who helped administering the lottery. This make me confuse since I expect a letter and forms from KCC. Please advise what should I do.
Hi everyone!!!

Seebeyond, thanks for your reply!!

It is so good to see Indonesian people in this forum.

I am interested in applying for Lottery on behalf of my little brother. Where do I find the form? I am a total beginner in this lottery matters. Any help will be appreciated. By the way, I live in Los Angeles.
Hi, I am also from Indonesian. I received the letter not from KCC but from the agent who helped administering the lottery. This make me confuse since I expect a letter and forms from KCC. Please advise what should I do.

just confirm your letter to the nearest US consulate to check its originality
Hi, I am also from Indonesian. I received the letter not from KCC but from the agent who helped administering the lottery. This make me confuse since I expect a letter and forms from KCC. Please advise what should I do.

Well I am not to sure how the agent works. They might want to charge you some money. Try to ask them how much they want. Actually you just need to know your case number. The form you can download from internet. I believe people in this forum will guide you to get the right form.
Maybe you can ask the agent to show you the letter so that you can see the case number. By the way, where is the agen located ?
hi everyone... i'm indonesian too.. ...
just got my sister's NL today in jakarta utara... it took a month from KCC (it was dated 2april07)

...i hope someone could help answer my question...

on the NL it's written:

>> what is the definition of family members in here... is it only , spouse, parents, and childrens? ... because it's my sister who got the NL .. it's me who want to immigrate actually, i just iseng submit his name.
can i apply as the accompanying family member..

still hoping i could win this year DV lottery :(
answering my own question....
i just actually read the instruction

note: family members refer only to your spouse and unmarried children who have not reached age 21 before you entered the lottery.

so i think it's a game over for me to depend from my sister's lottery :p ...

another question:

on the general photo requirements it's said:

> using a felt pen to avoid mutilation of the photographs, lightly print hte name of the subject on the back of photos

what does it mean with the felt pen?

sorry for my english..
answering my own question....
i just actually read the instruction

note: family members refer only to your spouse and unmarried children who have not reached age 21 before you entered the lottery.

so i think it's a game over for me to depend from my sister's lottery :p ...

another question:

on the general photo requirements it's said:

> using a felt pen to avoid mutilation of the photographs, lightly print hte name of the subject on the back of photos

what does it mean with the felt pen?

sorry for my english..

Congratulations for your sister NL.
I think what they mean by felt pen is something like "boxy" pen.
Let me write it in Indonesian,
pasti maksudnya pen tinta seperti boxy dan sejenisnya (rotring juga bisa) jadi kalau anda menulis tidak perlu menekan ke photo.krn kalau pakai pen biasa, bisa berbekas di fotonya (menonjol krn tertekan pen).

Anyway, would you mind sharing to us your sister case number (just put two xx on the last 2 digits of the case number for your privacy protection).

Also I know the date on the NL is April 2,but what is the date on the post stamp (stempel post),this way we can approximate the time required for the NL to be posted from Sweden.

Thank you and
Good Luck