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DV Lottery - Is there a fee for not being seleced, or a fee for quitting after being selected?


New Member

I am planning to apply for DV Lottery this year, so I have a question: In case I don't get selected for DV Lottery, or in case I do get selected but I quit on the idea of immigrating to the USA and decide not to proceed with the visa interview , am I going to have to pay for any fees because of not being selected or fees for being selected but not wanting to proceed with pursuing the visa?
Ok, but if I get selected but I change my mind and decide to quit and not to want to go for the interview, there is no fees or penalties for quitting?
Basically my question is if I get selected but change my mind and decide not to pursue the visa and not to go to the visa interview, am I gonna be free to quit without having to pay for anything?
Basically my question is if I get selected but change my mind and decide not to pursue the visa and not to go to the visa interview, am I gonna be free to quit without having to pay for anything?

I don't even know why you would ask this if you applied for the visa... if you don't want it why apply? Anyways.. as Susie said there is no fee until the interview. So if you don't go to the interview, and you didn't pay anything there is no fee..