• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2012

People need to realize the US does NOT owe you or anyone anything!!! The fact they are doing this lottery, we all should be grateful. They have the right to do whatever they damn well please. Yes , i can imagine how awful it must be for the initial winners to now be told it was canceled, ; I can also imagine how awful it feels for those who invested in this lottery as their last hope and were told they were not selected. Instead of screaming, crying and blaming the US as being unfair, go back and pray real hard. Stop complaining, be VERY grateful this opportunity was given in the first place. The US is VERY fair!!! and i am forever grateful for this opportunity. Stop being bitter and just look forward to july 15th, with hope and faith, giving thanks to God , anything is possible.
Hello forumites. I have been reading the post for the last few days and it is disturbing. I was one of those winners and now i am hoping again i will get selected. This is however what i have to say. This place looks like some war zone. When i first registered here it was the most beautiful threads that i had read. People were praying for each other and you will find posts where a stranger was telling another person theyd never even met that they were praying they get selected also. Is it so hard for people to collaborate. This is supposed to be a forum.ii it so hard for you to pray for someone else or to hope that some other get selected. It is certainly better than insulting someone else and saying something that is just hard hearted. I dont believe we even make 10000 applicants in this forum. I certainly hpe i get selected and also all of you. though we need to start looking at the fact that we all have one objective and wherever we going we certainly might need each other to realize our dreams there. i just encourage everyone lets pray, lets not have wars on the forums. instead lets pray to GOD and hope that all forumites get selected because that mean we can all come back and share on how to realize that american dream. I do not know what change it makes but i know its a positive thing that we can try.
I threw out my confirmation number when i found out I did not win on May 1st, how will I be able to check on July 15?

Dear forumites, i think it is important to keep all documents in the future...yes you did not win but look what happened now, they are having a redraw. It is very unfortunate, i really do hope your browser stores entered data. Please everyone keep all DV documents for that year until the next DV lottery opens, then you can decide to throw it out. And to future winners, keep all documents from the confirmation page, right down to the very last process, even after you have gotten your GC. You may be called upon to show documentation and then what happens if you had thrown it out and have nothing to show. Please let us all be extra careful
Dear forumites, i think it is important to keep all documents in the future...yes you did not win but look what happened now, they are having a redraw. It is very unfortunate, i really do hope your browser stores entered data. Please everyone keep all DV documents for that year until the next DV lottery opens, then you can decide to throw it out. And to future winners, keep all documents from the confirmation page, right down to the very last process, even after you have gotten your GC. You may be called upon to show documentation and then what happens if you had thrown it out and have nothing to show. Please let us all be extra careful
You're right! It's like throwing away your possible winning 'money lottery' ticket. This reminds me of New York Lotto. They posted the wrong pick 4 numbers on their site in error. It was reported that a lot persons threw away their ticket because of this. However, the right numbers were posted the next day...
I know so many others coming from countries that are not even eligible to take part, and have invested a lot to get to USA, they have worked so hard and have a hard time trying. They are bitter at this lottery's existence because they aren't given the fair chance to try out too, and have to work extra harder and have no 'luck' to depend on. Consider all of you very lucky already that you are even given the chance to take part in this, don't take this opportunity for granted by lashing out none stop.

Quite frankly I don't fell sorry for them: their countries are excluded from the lottery because in the previous five years they've sent the lion share of immigrants to the US (more than 50,000 for every country that is excluded from the lottery). So the very purpose of the green card lottery is to even things out and make the process fairer for all the other countries with lower immigrant numbers. Also, no more than 7% of lottery green cards can be assigned to any one country. So, even though Bangladesh submitted more than 50% of applications this year (7.4 million over a total of 14.7 million entries), at most only 3500 green cards will go to Bangladeshi winners of the lottery.
I thnk ths was my 3rd time or 4th tme to apply and l WON ths time.I ave made a certain observation but yet too early to be proven correct.In dv 2011 many winners were those who applied near the closing date of the lottery.In dv 2012 the winners lve seen applied early after dv application was opened.But lets observe n see as winners make their posts.

Your observation was correct!
wow, bangladeshi make more than half of the participants... if any bangladeshi was an original wnner on may 1st, i do realy feel sorry for you because 7000 winners out of 7 millions... the odds of geting selected twice is very low
Quite frankly I don't fell sorry for them: their countries are excluded from the lottery because in the previous five years they've sent the lion share of immigrants to the US (more than 50,000 for every country that is excluded from the lottery). So the very purpose of the green card lottery is to even things out and make the process fairer for all the other countries with lower immigrant numbers. Also, no more than 7% of lottery green cards can be assigned to any one country. So, even though Bangladesh submitted more than 50% of applications this year (7.4 million over a total of 14.7 million entries), at most only 3500 green cards will go to Bangladeshi winners of the lottery.
no more than 7% of lottery green cards can be assigned to any one country. So, even though Bangladesh submitted more than 50% of applications this year
add to that the fact that there is a limit in selected per country which is about 7 000 so the odd for a bangaly is very very low

& that change everything, the previous odd of being selected calculated was for the 14.7 millions peoples, but in realyty, like i said, depend on region, for instance, remove the bangaly then it will be 93 000 selected for 7 millions participants, IF (that thats's not true) we all have the same chance which is false, then the odd would be 1.32%
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Thanks a lot for this wonderful piece. I was an initial winner, but I am not bitter about what happened...I felt disappointed though cuz I was looking forward to relocate to the US. This is not the end of life...life must go on. A re-draw is atleast better that cancellation of the whole DV program. So, my fellow initial winners, let us and I quote " play by the rules and regulations of their game" and keep hope actively alive while we look forward to July 15. Good Luck to All!

It's completely understandable for those who 'initially won' and was revoked their result. Frankly, people, imagine you yourself won but 2 weeks later you are told it was a mistake, it can be devastating. I am standing in a neutral position and wondered how can this be done better to be FAIR to everyone, it's very difficult. Try and put yourself in the opposite position and THINK for a moment before you react and treat others with your respond.

What comes down to this, I feel, is that it's a difficult situation to begin with. Someone has to be disappointed at the end of the day.. In some way or another, if the US government can make it a happy ending for everyone, that'd be cool. Though pretty unlikely..

And it worries me that people are trying to file lawsuit and all that, than to play to their rules. That can upset them to cancel the lottery altogether because of how people behaved so negatively towards it. Is that what everyone wants?. This is THEIR game to begin with, you are a player. You play by their rules and regulation.

If say, I was the loser, the initial 22k people won and they proceed with the others being drawn, I would assume this is how they wanted to run things and I can't do much. Just have to accept it and try my luck next year again and again.

I know so many others coming from countries that are not even eligible to take part, and have invested a lot to get to USA, they have worked so hard and have a hard time trying. They are bitter at this lottery's existence because they aren't given the fair chance to try out too, and have to work extra harder and have no 'luck' to depend on. Consider all of you very lucky already that you are even given the chance to take part in this, don't take this opportunity for granted by lashing out none stop.

We all could be losers at the end of the day if people keep making this difficult to them...
One of the complaints written to DOS

1Joy, Disappointment, and Scandal: Department of State Notifies DV-2012 Winners
Posted on May 7, 2011 by admin

The day that millions of people waited for the world over ended in … scandal. On May 1 DV-2012 Lottery participants learned their fate: whether their entries were selected, or were being told “better luck next year (if there is a Lottery next year).” But what the losing participants did not count on was that the overwhelming majority of winners were those who submitted their entries on October 5 and 6, 2010, the first two days of the DV-2012 Lottery. For DV-2012, the “early birds” did get the proverbial worm – the right to pursue immigrant visa applications at US consular posts abroad or adjust status to permanent resident if lawfully located in the United States.

As a reminder, the Department of State accepted DV-2012 entries from October 5 until November 3, 2010. DOS encouraged applicants not to wait “until the last week” to submit their entries in order to avoid being locked out of the system by an expected surge in last-minute applications. In its DV-2012 instructions, DOS notified applicants that “the computer will randomly select individuals from among all qualified entries.” Absent from these instructions was notification that in order to be considered “qualified”, one needed to have submitted his entry on October 5th and 6th, at least for the overwhelming majority of those being selected.

I first learned of the Fivers and Sixers from two independent, reliable DV sources in Uzbekistan and Ukraine. I then checked out a few Internet fora (which I rarely do), and found that they were ablaze with fury. This link has a representative discussion: http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?323624-DV-2012-was-a-SCAM-!!!& According to one entry, “… there is the user on this forum that claims his company prepared 252643 entries and had been submitting them 10000-12000 per day from 7 to 29. First day – on 6th they were submitting fewer entries (2250) as they were testing. AND THE WINNERS WERE: 1301 wins on 6th, 0 wins from 7 till 17, 57 wins from 18 to 29.” The consensus appears to be that a minor bug in the computer’s algorithm led to the problem, although this is of course little succor to those not selected.

One side effect of this skewed selection is that numerous husband and wife entrants each were selected. Obviously, qualified individuals in the same family are likely to submit their separate entries at or about the same time. As a result, husbands and wives who submitted on October 5th and 6th were more likely to be selected separately than if the entries were selected evenly over the 30 day registration period. Because only one “winning ticket” will be used per family, this could have the ultimate effect of reducing the number of immigrant visa applicants and visas issued below the standard allotment of 50,000.

To date, the Department of State has not announced the official results of DV-2012 (number of participants, country-by-country breakdown of the selectees) or commented on the skewed results. In the meanwhile, we encourage those affected to contact the Office of Inspector General at the Department of State to express your concern. E-mail address: oighotline@state.gov One should of course include identifying information – including name, confirmation number, country of birth, date of birth, date of submission, and contact telephone number.

The cardinal principle underlying the DV-Lottery is that it is supposed to be random. DV-2012 was not. We look forward to the reaction of the Department of State. At the least, we urge it to take steps to ensure that the 50,000 green card allotment is exhausted – as Congress intended.

there we go!!:eek::rolleyes:
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Your thought will be respected.
But some people have entered DV Lottery for years,
and then eventually they got selected.

2 weeks later, they got voided.
And the chance to be re-selected is so slim that they can't bear.
So they gonna fight for it!

Oh i'm sorry, fight for what exactly?
Hi all,

Please read below. Source, http://www.dvlottery.state.gov as at today . . .


“Hello, my name is David Donahue. As the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Visa Services here at the U.S. Department of State, I oversee our visa program.

Every year, the Diversity Visa Lottery generates excitement around the world, as entrants hope to be selected for the chance to apply for an immigrant visa to the United States. Some people have already logged on to our Entry Status Check website to view this year’s selection results. Regrettably, the results that were previously posted on this website are not valid. They were posted in error.

These results are not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants as required by U.S. law. Although we received large numbers of entries every day during the 30-day registration period, a computer programming error caused more than 90% of the selectees to come from the first two days of the registration period. The computer error that caused this unfair, non-random result has since been corrected. We sincerely regret any inconvenience or disappointment this problem might have caused.

Because this problem unfairly disadvantaged many Diversity Visa Lottery entrants, we will conduct a new, random selection. The new selection will be based on the original entries. If you submitted a qualified entry in 2010 between October 5 and November 3, you do not need to reapply. Your confirmation number to check results on this website is still valid.

We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on the DV Entry Status Check website on or about July 15, 2011. More information is available on our website:


Again, we sincerely regret any inconvenience or disappointment this problem might have caused. Thank you.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why was it necessary to invalidate the names that were selected?

U.S. law requires that Diversity Immigrant visas be made available through a strictly random process. A computer programming error resulted in a selection that was not truly random.

Since the computer programming error caused an outcome that was not random, the outcome did not meet the requirements of the law, and would have been unfair to many DV entrants.

Q: Is the 2012 Diversity Visa Program cancelled?

No. The 2012 program will continue. The computer programming error has been identified and corrected. The Department of State will run a new selection using all the qualified entries (ones received between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010) it received for the 2012 program.

Q: Do I have to submit a new application?

No. You may not submit a new application. We will use all qualified entries received during the October 5 to November 3, 2010 registration period.

Q: Will you open a new entry period?

New entries will not be accepted.

Q: I checked the Entry Status Check website after May 1 and it said I had been selected. Can I apply for a DV visa?

Unfortunately results previously posted on this website were not valid because the selection process was not fair or random. We will take the entries of all individuals who sent in their registration during the original October 5 to November 3, 2010 time period and run a new lottery. We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this has caused. We expect new results to be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011.

Q: How can I check the results of the new selection?

The new results should be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011. The confirmation code you received when you registered is still valid for use on the website.

Q: Was the Department of State hacked? Was my personal information at risk?

We have no evidence that this problem was caused by any intentional act. No unauthorized party accessed data related to the DV program.

This appears to be solely the result of a computer programming error.
Hi all,

Please read below. Source, http://www.dvlottery.state.gov as at today . . .


“Hello, my name is David Donahue. As the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Visa Services here at the U.S. Department of State, I oversee our visa program.

Every year, the Diversity Visa Lottery generates excitement around the world, as entrants hope to be selected for the chance to apply for an immigrant visa to the United States. Some people have already logged on to our Entry Status Check website to view this year’s selection results. Regrettably, the results that were previously posted on this website are not valid. They were posted in error.

These results are not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants as required by U.S. law. Although we received large numbers of entries every day during the 30-day registration period, a computer programming error caused more than 90% of the selectees to come from the first two days of the registration period. The computer error that caused this unfair, non-random result has since been corrected. We sincerely regret any inconvenience or disappointment this problem might have caused.

Because this problem unfairly disadvantaged many Diversity Visa Lottery entrants, we will conduct a new, random selection. The new selection will be based on the original entries. If you submitted a qualified entry in 2010 between October 5 and November 3, you do not need to reapply. Your confirmation number to check results on this website is still valid.

We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on the DV Entry Status Check website on or about July 15, 2011. More information is available on our website:


Again, we sincerely regret any inconvenience or disappointment this problem might have caused. Thank you.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why was it necessary to invalidate the names that were selected?

U.S. law requires that Diversity Immigrant visas be made available through a strictly random process. A computer programming error resulted in a selection that was not truly random.

Since the computer programming error caused an outcome that was not random, the outcome did not meet the requirements of the law, and would have been unfair to many DV entrants.

Q: Is the 2012 Diversity Visa Program cancelled?

No. The 2012 program will continue. The computer programming error has been identified and corrected. The Department of State will run a new selection using all the qualified entries (ones received between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010) it received for the 2012 program.

Q: Do I have to submit a new application?

No. You may not submit a new application. We will use all qualified entries received during the October 5 to November 3, 2010 registration period.

Q: Will you open a new entry period?

New entries will not be accepted.

Q: I checked the Entry Status Check website after May 1 and it said I had been selected. Can I apply for a DV visa?

Unfortunately results previously posted on this website were not valid because the selection process was not fair or random. We will take the entries of all individuals who sent in their registration during the original October 5 to November 3, 2010 time period and run a new lottery. We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this has caused. We expect new results to be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011.

Q: How can I check the results of the new selection?

The new results should be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011. The confirmation code you received when you registered is still valid for use on the website.

Q: Was the Department of State hacked? Was my personal information at risk?

We have no evidence that this problem was caused by any intentional act. No unauthorized party accessed data related to the DV program.

This appears to be solely the result of a computer programming error.

But of course people will still not accept it, they want to ''fight it''. I ask FIGHT WHAT? ; did you pay the US for the lottery, my guess is NO!, then what the heck are u fighting them for, an opportunity was given, no scratch that a FREE opportunity was given to you by the US to immigrate and they decided to redo the lottery , NOT cancel because of an error and you want to fight them for it?? You seriously need to take a seat and evaluate your life! This is a serious case of biting the hand that feeds you and an even more serious case of SELFISHNESS!!!!. Did you also stop to think about those who this was their last chance of becoming a legal citizen before being kicked out of the US like a fellow on this thread? of course not, its all about ME ME ME, yes you entered for the lottery and by an ERROR you were chosen, if you really deserve it then why the worries , come july 15th u will also be a winner and that is a bigger testimony. Stop being selfish and behaving like spoiled brats. You did not pay the US , neither did you work for them and were promised a GC so please kindly have a seat and stop being a nuisance. The only ones who should be complaining are those who have already paid the visa processing fees, and whose money i think should be refunded promptly
@ Phronesis.

You're on Point Sha.......... Spot on

Thank you ololo ...its just so annoying , i just wish people will be grateful , what if they decided to cancel the lottery this year or God forbid forever , wouldn't that be far worse?. We all should be most thankful to God and grateful to the US
To those that already threw out their confirmation numbers, check the email address you entered while applying for the lottery, a link will lead you to it.