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DV 2010 Sri Lankan winners


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Like to initiate this thred to hlep,discuss all the matters ,problems and share ideas of winners of DV 2010 from Sri Lanka.

My case number is 2010AS000025XXX
Hi Madu12, I have already learned lots of knowledge from your past threads. My case no is 2010AS000289XX. This waiting for the 2nd Letter is mentally killing me. Last month I have sent a mail to KCC regarding my case, but they said waiting to be processed. So is that OK if I send them a mail again to ask the status of my case? Pls help..
Hey! Guys,
My mom is a DV2010 winner..and waiting for our no to get current. But this fall that is on September my university starts, so I have to be in USA by September. But according to the bulletin we're expecting our no to get current on somewhere around July. So my question is do I have to obtain F1 and be on time in University or I should wait for the DV2010 interview. As I see if i wait till the DV process I wont be able to stay on time in Univ. So is there a way I can get things sorted out? I mean if we speak with KCC will they help us by sending the 2nd NL earlier and so on.
If anyone can give me some advice on this issue..I really would be grateful.