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Dv 2010 french winner has questions!


Registered Users (C)
i just sent back the forms to KCC....
how long approximately will i have to wait before the interview in Paris?
also...can someone tell me what documents i will need to bring and if they will need to be translated into English or if the embassy in Paris accepts french documents....
If you post your CN in the following format: 2010EU00006XXX, people here will be able to help. They start the interview process in October and each month CN up to a certain number will be current.
That's a real low CN, congrats!! :)
You will get an interview in October.
I am not sure about the English translations needed. I think it will be likely, check with the consulate/embassy in Paris.
Salut non c'est certain tu n'as besoin de rien traduire. Ton CN est effectivement tres bas tu passeras en octobre 2010. Bye bye ;)
salut ALICE et merci
tu es sure qu il n y a pas besoin de traductions?tu as deja passe l entretien?
tu sais ce qu ils demandent et si c est facile??MERCI