• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2009 lucky kenyan winners

Hi ma guys? I had a successful interview on Thursday 19th in Nairobi. Sorry I took long as I had to travel to the village as I have not there since the P E violence.

I started ma journey to embassy at 5am.I was there by 6am.By that time people were already queuing there.ma interview was due for 8am.The security requested only the people going for the 7am interview should queue at that hour. The 8am people we were requested to start queuing at 7.30am.Went through security after they checked our appointments letters. I had printed out the email I had got from the consular after rescheduling ma interview. Once inside the DV lottery were given the first opportunity after handing over our appointment letters. We were about 10 dv at that hour.
After queuing for about 1hour I went to the first window where I was requested for ma documents. –Medical Exam, Police certificates, Travel passport, Birth certificate, KCSE certificate, photo passport n marriage certificate. Ma wife was asked for Medical exam, police cert, travel passport, Birth Certificate n 2photo passport only. I was asked to pay for both of us 1500USD as I got married after ma initial application. In other cases, it’s the principal who pays first then pay for the beneficiaries after a successful interview. The exchange at the embassy was at Ksh 80 for 1USD.at the bank it was 80.2.One can pay using either of the currencies. Paid n was told to wait at the waiting bay to b called later. After like 45minutes we wa called to window 5 for fingerprinting. We were to wait now for the interview proper. After another 45 minutes was called to window 9 for interview.
Raised our hands up to take the oath n signed the forms we had sent to KCC.
CO: when did u guys get married?
Resp: 22 Dec 2007
CO: Where did u get married?
Res: ***** Church Nairobi.
CO: Do u have anything to prove u r married?
We had our photos for our wedding, honeymoon, with families from both sides, on her visit to South Africa in 2006 n 2008.She went through all of them as I explained one by one.
CO: what else do u have?
We had some property we bought together with our names there she went through it. Showed also a share certificate with our both names.
CO: Where will u be staying in US?
I had not given any addresses in the DS 230 form. I gave him the print out for ma address.
CO: All is ok come for pick up on 2nd April at 3pm.
Resp: Can one of us come or both of us?
CO: One of u can come?
That was it I could not believe it.Ma wife was not asked even one quiz. I didn’t have an affidavit by the grace of God I was not asked for it. No more documents that the ones written on the first NL.
Ma advice guys be confident n pliz don’t go with anything fake as it will put u in trouble.
All the best to all.
congratulations Nanii and Ireb, give me a shout once you land here, it may coincide that we will be operating from the same state if I may be of any help then I WON'T hesitate to.
congrats nanii and ireb

congrats guys as i keep on saying in these posts its not that hard as long as they do not suspect fraud. Affidavits of support are not asked for in Nairobi so one shud get his/hers but not panic if they dont have. Sicererity, confidence and good planning is key. all the best those who are yet to
Nanii and Ireb congrats pray for those of us who are remaining so that we receive the 2NL and to sail through
Sizwe South africa is eligible but i could not do the interview as ma wife is Kenya n it would have been more tedious for her to travel down n get the police clearance from RSA.

Guys thanx.can those guys in USA pliz advice me which is beta to stay in between Mary land n Iowa?Am looking at at least a place i can settle with less hassles n on ma own after a few days.Anyone wh cold know anything about medical Lab job there?

Yes we can, I will inquire from the embassy if its posible to pay using a visa card next week when i go for the ppts.

Mercyme i think u would b current by July.

Make sure evrything is ready by June.

All the best to all current n all waiting.
Sizwe South africa is eligible but i could not do the interview as ma wife is Kenya n it would have been more tedious for her to travel down n get the police clearance from RSA.

Guys thanx.can those guys in USA pliz advice me which is beta to stay in between Mary land n Iowa?Am looking at at least a place i can settle with less hassles n on ma own after a few days.Anyone wh cold know anything about medical Lab job there?

Yes we can, I will inquire from the embassy if its posible to pay using a visa card next week when i go for the ppts.


Iowa cheaper than MD, however there are tones of factors you may consider before moving to either state. These people will always talk of "american experience" b4 they hire you, too it will depend on your level of university edu. and its reputation. Good luck.
Helo nanii and ireb,
I would like to ask you what form you need to fill if one need to get the Affidavit of support form from the US? What other documents one need to to present at the interview for the sponsor reason?
Where did you guys go for your medical?Dr name and how much did it cost you?
And what do u require for a police certificate?and how much did it cost you to get it and where did you guys go?

Thanking you in advance.
what i have to say

Helo nanii and ireb,
I would like to ask you what form you need to fill if one need to get the Affidavit of support form from the US? What other documents one need to to present at the interview for the sponsor reason?
Where did you guys go for your medical?Dr name and how much did it cost you?
And what do u require for a police certificate?and how much did it cost you to get it and where did you guys go?

Thanking you in advance.


I had my medicals at Sariti centre in Nairobi. The doctors are all on one floor and are about four of them. me i had mine with Dr Meyerhold. It cost me 19300 Ksh (medical examination and vaccination).

For the police certificate, You need to go to the police head quarters, they take your fingerprints, give them two passport photographs and a copy of the front page of your passport. After that, they (police) will take them to interpol and they will issue you with a police certificate ( its a letter showing that you have no crimes against you) its called a certificate of good conduct. thats what you take with you to the embassy. its the letter talked about in the documents.

But what i discovered at the embassy, even fingerprints are required. get a copy of your fingerprints too. me i was asked. i saw some people being sent back for them. just ask for a copy while you are at the police station. me am from Uganda, it cost me 12,000 UG sh. that converted to K sh would be about 480 Ksh, so it might be that or slightly more. its not alot that am sure of.

About the affidavit of support, am not the best authority, me i did not use the form. all my relative did was to write down something and it was notoralised. even at the embassy it was not asked. but i guess luck was on my side.

however i have the form on my yahoo account, i could send you a copy if you need it. send me your yahoo email address in my private box and i will send you the form on your yahoo account. what i heard here on line is that the person who sends the affidavit should also send the tax returns, and a bank statement.

while at the embassy i saw only one guy handing in the affidavit of support and bank statement from his sponsor. The lady at the counter specifically asked him for them. i did not see any one submitting tax returns. thats all i can say.

take care
Hi Hrithik,
As i indicated i did ma medicals at \Dr dogras clinic sarit centre westlands.The cost depends on the gender.i paid about 10500sh.one thing make sure u talk to those ladies in the reception as they r the ones who knows the vaccine one should pay for.Remember they r after ur cash n i heard they r paid on commision.id advice someone to go there a few days b4 the actual medicals with his /her immunization cards n talk to oone of them on the vaccines u require.doing them elsewhere is mo expensive.For ladies they will give u a quote for 36000ksh.the HPV vaccine for ladies costs 11000 n they want specifically by a company grabacil(not sure of the spelling but can confirm if anyone needs the infirm)
Police clearance if u r a kenyan u just need to go to CID Headquarters along Kiambu road.it costs 1000ksh n takes exactly 2 weeks.they will give u the results with the fingerprints attached.donot remove them take them as the will give to u.U just present urself with ur original ID.if outside Nairobi go to any police station they take finger prints n will send them on ur behalf am not sure how long it takes.
On affidavit pliz go throu the nigeria thread if u dont mind orcheck from www.travelstate.gov under visas.The form is 134.
all the best ma bros n sisters

SEMA! YOU ARE NOT ALONE, feel too other kenyans on line too waiting, however how big are our numbers. Huko vipi? planing cp in nairobi.
Can someone pliz advice the house onthe cheapest flights from Nairobi to USA.
flights currently are xpensive from >$1000, try to use agents they are normaly cheap. There are guys somewhere on koinange street if not wrong on national house somewhere upstairs i remember they found me a very good deal 4 years ago . Alternativery visist; www.bookingbuddy.com search for the cheapest flight fro NBO to your desired destination. Safe travel.

Hello nanii,
Thanks for the info.

For the fares inquiry you had done previously,
I read in the Standard newpaper last week that there is a special offer in that valid till 10 June 2009 in Emirates so I would advice you to check for that,may be you can call them n inquire. its $ 1100 exclusive taxes so u may inquire inclusive taxes for the net rate and its till Newyork City.
Hope that helps.
Thanks. take care