Does INS issue FP Notices during audit??

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based on CSC\'s track record during the \'normal\' times and when they are not auditing, I have little hope we will see any improvement.
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Ciba and others,

Can you please tell if INS issues FP during Audit.
I think FPs are issued by local offices and audit should not effect FP. Am I correct.


No. During annual audits, INS does not do anything related to immigrant visa processing, that is, the green cards. You should not be xpecting any EADs or any FPs or any GC approvals till some time now. After they are done with this stuff, it will take almost 2 months to start processing GC related material.
accha baccha keeps trying to scare people

accha baccha keeps trying to scare people..look at this posts..igonore all this BS
FP , Approvals .....are independent of Audit

as a thumb rule , these audit\'s generally speeds up the whole process.....

by definition Audit means : pull up your socks .

I am sure this will have a positive impact .

