Docs for Oath Ceremony in White Plains, NY


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Has anyone had their oath in White Plains, NY? How long does it take and what documents are needed for taking to the oath?

I got the oath letter which says take

1. Permanent Resident Card
2. All reentry permits in your possession (what does this mean?)
3. Any other immigration docs you may have(what does this mean?)

Has anyone had their oath in White Plains, NY? How long does it take and what documents are needed for taking to the oath?

I got the oath letter which says take

1. Permanent Resident Card
2. All reentry permits in your possession (what does this mean?)
3. Any other immigration docs you may have(what does this mean?)


Reentry permit is what you would have used if you left US for more than 1 year. If it does apply to you no need to worry.
Other immigration documents mean any other immigration you may have used during naturalization process, like N-470 or passport if you have traveled since interview.
I had none of those and did not travel since interview. So I guess I just need to take my GC.

Any experience with oath in White Plains, NY would be great.
