Do I need a lawyer?


New Member
My husband and I have been married for two years. We are about to start the process for an adjustment of status. I want to do the paper work and filing myself, but I'm afraid something could go wrong. My husband came here several years ago on a student visa. He overstayed and has been working every since. Based on these two things would I need a lawyer or would I be able to do this myself?

Also I have a question about the vaccinations required. I have called two recommended clinics from Uscis list. One quoted me a price of 622 and the other a price of 400. The problem is both places are saying that difference vaccinations are required. Where can I get a list of the required vaccines? I looked on the Uscis site, but its so much information and I couldn't tell what I was looking at. Thanks so much and forgive me if these questions have been asked before.
You shouldn't need a lawyer for that, unless he has left the US since his student status ended.

Don't accept what they tell you on the phone regarding vaccinations; it is not official. When your husband shows up, the doctor will make the official decision of what he needs based on age, gender, and the vaccinations he has had before in his life (he should bring his vaccination records since infancy if available). Some people won't need anything; other people will need multiple shots.
about medical, let doctor do the medical exam, but get vaccinations at your local health department office, they are much much cheaper