Directions to Boston District Office


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I applied to AP for my wife in July 2004. Still it is in pending status even after
several enquires with VSC. So I am planning to go to Boston District office as my need to go to India urgently to attend her brother's marriage. Can some body give clear directions to this office?.

Boston District Office
John F. Kennedy Federal Building
Government Center
Boston, MA 02203

And also I have some questions?

1) what is the best way to reach this office, by car or train?.

2) Since AP is pending with VSC, do boston office allows to apply a new one?.

Experts please advise.
Best way to go to boston office is via Train.

If you are coming from a far place, try to take the Inbound Commuter rail first and get off at the North station. Take Green line and get off at Government center. The Boston office is in JFK building which can be seen right across from the Government center station.
Its very very very easy. Dont bother to take your car to boston.