diference in h1 for stamping


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hi every one
i am in masters F1 status , i have appled for H1
but still waiting for approval , my attorney say s there are two type of h1's approvals can any one tell me if , u get h1 approval and if its new a h1 do i have to go to india to get it stamped , or if its f1 to h1 transfer , i can stay here and then got to canada or mexico for stamping ,
my question is if i am already in f1 will it be a transfer or will i get a new h1 and i have to got to india only
plz let me what the difference
It's new H1 and whenever u go out of US u need to get H1 stamping. First time H1 stamping is done in the country where your passport was issued so it would be India.