CNN's Moneyline story


Registered Users (C)
There was a blatant attack on the H1B program on CNN: Lou Dobbs' Moneyline!
I was completely taken aback by the implication that we, the H1B visa holders, are taking away jobs from Americans! After all that we and our employers have to go through to get an H1B visa, this is extremely disturbing. To think a mainstream news channel like CNN aired this show is also very disturbing.
Read the transcript:

I would recommend that you send this to everyone you know (including fair-minded American citizens) and write to the editors of CNN to present a more balanced and accurate programming in future!

Thanks for your attention,

Yo! Don't you think Americans can do anything in their OWN country? Isn't true that H1bs are taking American jobs and working for less???

What you and your employer gone through is for YOUR own selfish reason (watever it maybe), but not for AMERICA. Right?

Do you or your own country will accept if Americans come there and take away your country's jobs and all your ppl have to sell the houses and live with parents or friends?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DON"T THINK SOOOOOO. If you say "Yes" then go buy one mirror for you.

Btw, I'm a H1 guy, else I wouldn't have been in forum....
If you feel so strong,

why the heck are you here, adding to the misery of poor Americans. Pal, you would do the same if you were an employer in India. It is the economics, stupid.
Keep in mind that if H1 is bad for American people, American companies are doing the same to corporations in other countries.

Think what happended to India's soft drink companies (this is just one of many examples). They are dead. In India, we have Pepsi and Coca Cola now-a-days. So these companies are taking profit out of Indian soil..right? And where is the profilt going to? The profilt is going to American's people pockets..How?? Via stocks. Millions of Americans have stock in Pepsi/Coke.

Now think of comsumer electronics companies of India..Where are those India companies that we used to see 10/15 yeasrs ago?They are now history.

So guys, it's globalization. It's demand and supply..It's all about cheap goods/services/labors and competitions.

Why don't American people say that they get the one of the lowest rates for Gas in the world? Because it's good for their pocket..right? You can not have good things always.. you have to take bad as well...

If American feel they are in bad shape because of H1, then the whole world might think that they are in bad shape because of American.

The problem is that American people don't see the the world..They see America which is world for them. So if anything is bad in their "world", then they react. They don't react if they do bad things to people who are not in their "world". In fact they do do not see those bad things they do.. See what happend to Iraq. Where is WMD now? Why did US put pressure on Blix to give bad report on Iraq's weapon program? I don't want to give a big list...

Just my 2 cents.
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