Citizenship Question


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Hi Guys,
Could you help me in this please? I am in my fifth year of Green Card and will be applying for citizenship in 11 months. Now I have found a great job in Dubai and like to move there myself but my kids and wife will stay here in the USA. I will be coming every other month for a week or so back to States too. How would it effect my citizenship application? I have been living in the USA without any long break for last 15 years now.application? Do I have to pay taxes here in the USA for my income in Dubai?I have been living in the USA without any long break for last 15 years now.
Thank you
Would you be working for a US owned corporation over in Dubai? If so, you might qualify for an N-470 which would make your life much easier when it comes to applying for N-400.

Without the N-470, you would need to make sure you have proof that the overseas posting is a fixed-length short term assignment, and that you are maintaining close ties to the US. Having your family remain in the US will be a definite plus.

As far as taxes are concerned, all LPRs and USCs must file tax returns reporting worldwide income. As an LPR interested in citizenship, you should also continue to file your 1040 as a US resident, although you may be able to take advantage of international tax treaties to prevent you being subject to double taxation.
The assignment is only for 3 years and I will have a contract to prove it. Plus I will be paying taxes and have my home in the USA too with monthly mortgage payments. I am thinking of moving there when I am less than 6 months away from completion of my 5th year as Green Card holder. Would that make it easier? I will try to do that if UAE firm agree to it. It is a very good opportunity otherwise I would not even consider it as I have a good job here too. I absolutely don’t want to have any complication towards my citizenship as it is very critical to me. Please advise
"Only" 3 years? That's an excessively long time, if you expect to keep your green card and maintain eligibility for US citizenship. Take that job for 3 years, and you can forget about citizenship until at least 2015. Unless it's for a US corporation (and the definition of "US corporation" can be tricky in this era of multinationals).
If you don't qualify for an N-470, don't go until after you have finished the natz process.
Ok, but Aren’t we qualify for citizenship if our absence from the USA is less than 6 months and we have proofs for our ties to USA like house mortgage, kids in school, bank accounts, credit cards etc.
How about doing it as a consultant? flying to Dubai ever month for a week and returning back home to USA? Would that be ok? Please keep in mind I am only 11 months away from applying my citizenship (fulfilling my 5 years as a Green card holder)
So you will spend only 1 week in Dubai and 3 weeks in the US each month?
If that is the case, you should be ok. Just make sure the ratio is not the other way around.

flying to Dubai ever month for a week and returning back home to USA?
Once you have established a trend of spending the vast majority of each year outside the US, and have other unfavorable conditions such as foreign employment for a non-US company, keeping each trip under 6 months is not safe. Will you be denied? Maybe, maybe not. You're not guaranteed to be denied, but you're severely hurting your case for citizenship if you accept multi-year foreign employment.

However, coming back to the US every month, and having your wife and kids in the US certainly helps.
thats what I found on USCIS Website:

An applicant is eligible to file if, immediately preceding the filing of the application, he or she:

has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (see preceding section); has resided continuously as a lawful permanent resident in the U.S. for at least 5 years prior to filing with no single absence from the United States of more than one year; has been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the previous five years (absences of more than six months but less than one year shall disrupt the applicant's continuity of residence unless the applicant can establish that he or she did not abandon his or her residence during such period) has resided within a state or district for at least three months
What you need to bear in mind that its not just eligibility PRIOR to filing your N-400, but also maintaining that eligibility THROUGHOUT the whole natz process, however long that might take.

You might be only 11 months away from applying, but you are probably at least 18 months away from taking the oath, assuming you don't get stuck in namecheck.