Cause for denial?


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I was filling out the N-400 for my 26 yr old brother when I came to the selective service question on the N-400. He has had a Green card since August of 2000.

My brother is profoundly deaf, has developmental delay, autism, and an unknown condition which makes him literally nauseous all the time. He's had over 20 operations to find out the reason why he is sick and nauseous all the time. Neither my family nor I knew that he was required to be registered with the selective service even though he is disabled. He lives at home, has never been able to work due to being sick, and does not go to school.

Even if we had registered him for selective service, they would not have taken him. Does anyone know if this is a cause for denial?
I was filling out the N-400 for my 26 yr old brother when I came to the selective service question on the N-400. He has had a Green card since August of 2000.

My brother is profoundly deaf, has developmental delay, autism, and an unknown condition which makes him literally nauseous all the time. He's had over 20 operations to find out the reason why he is sick and nauseous all the time. Neither my family nor I knew that he was required to be registered with the selective service even though he is disabled. He lives at home, has never been able to work due to being sick, and does not go to school.

Even if we had registered him for selective service, they would not have taken him. Does anyone know if this is a cause for denial?
Call the Selective Service Commission and explain.

You may have to send medical records.

Do this before this Interview.

Good Luck.
I have not heard or seen anyone getting denied, Due to not having registered with SSS.All you need to do is send a letter to SSS statting all of the above and that you were not notified or had knowledge.They will send you letter stating the same that you can take to the interview.Its really not big deal.

I have done some research on autism esp. relationship between autism and diet.

Here is a sample:

"There is growing interest in the link between autism and gastrointestinal (GI) ailments. A study by the University of California Davis Health System found that children with autism born in the 1990s were more likely to have gastrointestinal problems, including constipation, diarrhea and vomiting, than autistic children who were born in the early 1980s. Some people use the GFCF diet mostly to treat gastrointestinal problems."

I have done some research on autism esp. relationship between autism and diet.

Here is a sample:

"There is growing interest in the link between autism and gastrointestinal (GI) ailments. A study by the University of California Davis Health System found that children with autism born in the 1990s were more likely to have gastrointestinal problems, including constipation, diarrhea and vomiting, than autistic children who were born in the early 1980s. Some people use the GFCF diet mostly to treat gastrointestinal problems."

My 4.5 years old son has autism. With this comes several gastrointestinal issues like diahrrea/constipation, acid reflux and abdominal pain. Following an Specific Carbohidrate Diet helps A LOT and finally the gastrointestinal symptoms went away after we did an scope, the doctor found inflamation on the entire GI tract (some kind od chron's disease) and we put him on Pentasa.

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Let me know if you have any questiond (Please send me a private message if you need so)
