canedian, question for you


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I am applying for canadian PR. have question on police clearance. How do I obtain police clearance from australia which I have stayed 10 years ago, more than 6 months. Can I request thru australian embassy??
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Yes, that would be the best bet. Contact the australian embassy.
Also please read SECTION 3/APPENDIX E in your application package.
This talks about police certificates.
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I have read the section 3. It says " police clearance must cover the period from 18 to now, or the past ten years, whichever is shorter. I have left australia 14 years ago. DO I still require police clearance for australia?
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Mr routine,
it looks like you might not need pc from australia. But what I suggest is to apply without pc.Once you have applied, you might want to contact australian embassy ans see if you can get it. Keep it with you incase they ask for it.
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Attorneys in canada charge lots of money. Its not worthed at this point. I have stayed in few countries more than 5 years(each more than 6 months) and they did not asked for pc from those countries.
They asked from US and singapore where I had stayed for a long time.
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Yes I did apply myself but 15 years back. You know it was so funny those days.I had came to visit canada with my parents.We all had visitors visa.I went to enquire to immigration office what\'s the scoop about Canadian immigration. They said I can apply right there(so funny)and I can get in 1 months.
But the immigration laws have changed a lot.
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If you have enough points on the accessment sheet, I do not think you need an attorney. Many of us have done it by ourselves. The process is very straight forward.
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yes, megg. I have tried the scoring system and have obtained enough points. Just need to know on how can I obtain police clearance from many countries that I have stayed more than 6 months for the last ten years. Should I write to the Embassy? are there any sample letters?
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Sorry I do not have any experience with the police clearance in a third country. If you read the instruction about the application process, you will find that for some countries you do not have to obtain on your own. I have read the previous postings in this discussion. my understanding is you were not sure if the police clearance was needed. See if you can find a lawyer just for that matter. Maybe pay the lawyer by the hour.
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Hello all,
I am applying by myself for the Canadian PR. Thanks for all the useful info. I had a question : how do I obtain a police clearance in the US. I have lived in several states during the past 6 years.Can a local police office give me a clearance certificate for the past 6 years ?
Thanks for any info.
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You have to go to your locale police station to have your fingerprints done. Then send the prints to the FBI where they will check if there is any criminal record of yours throughout the country. Do not have to get separate one form each state.