BS != 3 yr BSC + 2 yr PG Dip in Engg + M.Tech


Registered Users (C)
If requirement on Labor is Bachelors Degree or Equivalent in Maths, Physics or Engineering plus 2 yr exp. And the Alien has these qualification:

5 Yr Exp plus:
B.Sc(3 Yr) Maths & Physics + 2 Yr PG Diploma in Engineering (equivalent to M.Sc in India) from IIT + M.Tech in Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology
What are the chances that NSC will Deny this case based on Not a Single 4 year Bachelors Degree?

Can this Masters from institutes like IIT be a proof that Alien posses a Bachelors degree or more?

Entery into M.Tech is based on a 4 yr Bachelors Degree or M.Sc.

Or once the requirement on Labor says Bachelors then NSC does not care about higher degree like Masters or even P.HD (Doctors Degree) etc.