Biometrics and renew green card


New Member
Dear all,

I was quite lucky that after e-filing my I-90 on Feb 15, I got an appointment for biometrics only one week afterwards. The biometrics appointment is for the 1st week of March which was fine but I was planning on leaving the US shortly after that for a few weeks : :confused:

1. How often do people end up having to repeat the biometrics session ? If likely then I have to delay my trip ?

2. How long should I expect to wait before the new GC show up these days ? I only have a 2 month temporary visa stamp on my passport from Feb 15 (so expire on July 15)

3. Have anyone mailed GC overseas, is it safe to do so if I need to ?

thanks ahead for your responses
questions have been answered already since I have been in you case, I am making an effort to answer.
1- usually once ( the minute you have your airline ticket, you can speed the BIO process at local USCIS)
2-less than 2 months after BIO ( i got my GC 30 days after BIO)
3- it is prohibited to mail the CG. Ask someone you know to bring it to you
thanks for your sharing !
I got the fingerprint done yesterday per the appointment, and they also give me a stamp on my expired GC to extend it to mid year, now if they can issue the GC in a month I am all set !