Bill Gate's Hearing

Bill Gates did the excellent job for EB community. He never tried to push only H1B but equally spoke very high for the Green Card wait and retrogression! I salute him. He gave us the ray of hope in the dark tunnel.

My suggestion:

Today, US needs her primary and high school students learn more and more math and science. We (whole EB community including spouse and elder kids) should offer volunteer work for teaching Math and science to local primary and high school students across the USA. We can join hand with Bill Gates Foundation for this volunteer work. If we all EB community vow for this volunteer, it will create great positive impact on lawmakers, media, and US citizens.
Bill Gates did the excellent job for EB community. He never tried to push only H1B but equally spoke very high for the Green Card wait and retrogression! I salute him. He gave us the ray of hope in the dark tunnel.

My suggestion:

Today, US needs her primary and high school students learn more and more math and science. We (whole EB community including spouse and elder kids) should offer volunteer work for teaching Math and science to local primary and high school students across the USA. We can join hand with Bill Gates Foundation for this volunteer work. If we all EB community vow for this volunteer, it will create great positive impact on lawmakers, media, and US citizens.
what a great job done by Bill Gates!
As khodal said, he only touched on the H-1b issue, and strongly emphasized the green card issue.

Moreover, he did it in a way that is credible, by showing that if immigration system is not changed, the jobs will go overseas, how he pays much higher than the prevailing wage+very high fees, how an Indian immigrant has to wait decades (!) to get his gc, that its easier for them to have a kid who turns 21 to get citizenship than thru EB green card.

I think he covered every angle, and provided an answer to every question anti-immigrationists have.
but I am sure they will still find a way to attack his testimony
"Second, Congress should expedite the path to Permanent Resident status for highly skilled workers. The reality for Microsoft and many other U.S. employers is that the H1-B visa program is temporary only in the sense that it is the visa we use while working assiduously to make our H1-B hires – whether educated in the U.S. or abroad –permanent U.S. residents. Rather than pretend that we want these highly skilled, well trained innovators to remain for only a temporary period, we should accept and indeed embrace the fact that we want them to become permanent U.S. residents so that they can drive innovation and economic growth alongside America’s native born talent.
These reforms do not pit U.S. workers against those foreign born. They do not seek to make or perpetuate distinctions among the best and brightest on the basis of national origin. They simply recognize the fact that America’s need for highly skilled workers has never been greater, and that broad-based prosperity in America depends on having enough such workers to satisfy our demand. Far from displacing U.S. workers, highly skilled foreign-born workers will continue to function as they always have: as net job creators."

Thanks Bill!
Good writeup by BG for getting some action for legal immigrants. There was another report in the morning on the falling number of graduates in the US. Seems like a move by BG to get something done 'BEFORE CIR'

pswami's speech is nice too...:D

Thanks for the efforts. I am not sure how much or if at all they were able to have Bill Gates care for their small group for today's hearing. But Bill Gates is our champion.
I posted something about it here:
if pswami really has friends at microsoft like he claims, he should forward all our emails and thanks from this site to Bill
Must See Q&A session!

Everybody on this forum and even otherwise related to education and immigration should see the Q&A session of Bill Gates with the senators.

It is so pleasantly shocking that Bill Gates mentions taking candidates families out of the quota of visa numbers....I guess we have a lot of people from Microsoft on this forum who update him. He also mentions the SKIL Bill as a good improvement of the system.
I knew there were less people in the country doing innovative work but wasn't sure the shortage was this much.
A must see for everybody. Bill Gates has thrown in the gauntlet.
BILLs & GATES..theory

The Bill Gates speech tends to open 'GATES' for us(/US) with reducing the US senate and our monetary 'BILLs'.

Nicely said Billy. I adore u for this.

Am sure if there are some more speeches like this from couple of more corporators...we have our voice heard through out the US.

thx email

Should we send a thank you email to Bill Gates for this ?
I for one will switch to Microsoft systems (I use UNIX mostly) if Bill Gates is instrumental in relieving me from this mess.
Why not
Please post the link and we will send email to him

Should we send a thank you email to Bill Gates for this ?
I for one will switch to Microsoft systems (I use UNIX mostly) if Bill Gates is instrumental in relieving me from this mess.
Why not
Please post the link and we will send email to him

Let's not get carried away. He might get pissed if his inbox is flooded. Setting up a website and having ppl. sign it online...kinda like petition online might be better.
Bill Gates did the excellent job for EB community. He never tried to push only H1B but equally spoke very high for the Green Card wait and retrogression! I salute him. He gave us the ray of hope in the dark tunnel.

My suggestion:

Today, US needs her primary and high school students learn more and more math and science. We (whole EB community including spouse and elder kids) should offer volunteer work for teaching Math and science to local primary and high school students across the USA. We can join hand with Bill Gates Foundation for this volunteer work. If we all EB community vow for this volunteer, it will create great positive impact on lawmakers, media, and US citizens.

are you from India?? just curious..if you are, have you thought of this volunteering stuff in India, how about them poor kids not even having cloithes to wear? let us not cheapen the meaning of volunteering.
its something that is given without expecting something in return...if we are trying to volunteer just to get our GC that is a shame.....
let us not cheapen ourselves...if someone really wants to help kids here that is their prerogative...
frankly i think America has enough resources to do the task themselves...
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are you from India?? just curious..if you are, have you thought of this volunteering stuff in India, how about them poor kids not even having cloithes to wear? let us not cheapen the meaning of volunteering.
its something that is given without expecting something in return...if we are trying to volunteer just to get our GC that is a shame.....
let us not cheapen ourselves...if someone really wants to help kids here that is their prerogative...
frankly i think America has enough resources to do the task themselves...

Well said.