Best way to upgrade F2A Application


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I am a very recent USC. My wife and I married outside US and have had to stay away from each other due to the naturalization process and long wait of F2A. (It is ironic that now priority date of F2A has advanced)

Anyway, I applied I-130 application for her and that was approved. The application is now in NVC.

In the meantime naturalization process is over and I am a proud USC now. I am currently in my home country and trying to make up to her for the lost years in our marriage. I want to learn how to upgrade her application (which is currently in NVC) thru the US Consulate, so that I can stay with her during this process.

At this point:
1) Has anyone had an experience with this?
2) Is it the American Citizen Service who deals with it?
3) Can I walk in to consulate and ask for help?
4) Do I contact NVC and ask them transfer the application to a US consulate?
5) Or should I travel to US and deal with NVC? (I rather not do this, as we don't want to stay apart anymore)
6) Could the consulate option take longer compared to the NVC option in the US?

Any advice and sharing previous experience is highly appreciated