Are we still slaves even after getting GC in our hand? Then where is the freedom?

It looks like changing the job after getting GC is not so easy as we think.

Guys I just got this from one of the posting on this forum. I think the AC21 law/memo really sucks.

Please see the Attorney Ms. Murthy’s response by clicking on the following link.

Ramesh_GC "Urgent – Please help." 6/7/02 4:13pm

Has any one talk to your attorney about this? Please share your experience.
I would not care...

My attorney said wait at least a month before switching, should not be the next day.
I would also rely on AC-21 which indirectly supports you to switch jobs 180 days after filing AOS.
Lastly, I have spoken to some friends who have become citizens recently - none of them were really questioned about when they changed their jobs etc.

In the absence of any clear guidelines, it\'s a personal call really depending upon one\'s own situation and comfort level.