April's 140 got approved

None here either. :(
I called the emergency number yesterday and the agent (not very amiable) told me it has name check pending. This is kinda dubious, since, the last time I talked to an agent there (few weeks back), she (a nice person) indicated that it is not! and once the 140 is approved, i should get concurrent 485 approval. I wonder if the 2nd/FP or bio triggers another name check. I had sent a email to fbinncp (01/05) and called there yesterday as well, someone from Hardy's office said, they are processing email received in november and generally it takes 16 weeks to respond to the email! I wonder when they will start publishing this processing dates.

I just got a LUD and change of message on 485. Its the standard "On 4/13 the results of your fingerprint review were received.....processing has resumed..we will let you know" crap.

How about you? Did you already get this?

No LUD or message change for me. I'll keep you posted...

Thanks for the update!! Hopefully that will trigger something good for u.

Just got an LUD and change of message on 485.. the "On 4/15 the results of your fingerprint review were received.....processing has resumed..we will let you know" bull crap as well :)

How much longer are we going to wait?!
Seems like we are exactly on the same boat, perhaps even the same officer. Have you tried calling the emergency #? I did and bumped into a very non-co-operative agent. If you do have any luck with the emergency #, let me know.
i called, and didn't get any info really.. they weren't helpful.

i applied for 2nd EAD/AP last thursday too, so we'll see if this triggers something (hoping for 140 approval)... I'll keep you posted, and hope u do the same.
Strange LUD

I got another LUD last night. The message stayed exactly the same, with the exeception that the receipt date of the fingerprinting result changed i.e. last time it updated it said "on 4/13 we got the results etc etc", this update changed the message to "on 4/15 we got the results etc etc".

How can they receive the same fingerprinting result twice? Or is this something else or a clerical error?

that is very strange. well, lets just hope for the best. I haven't received any other LUDs. Please keep us updated! Maybe this is a good sign that someone is doing something with your case? Hope so!
Just for the approval emails for 140!!

Mesbah - looks like you should be expecting it soon. Keep praying.

Congratulations!!! That does give me hope. I hope I can share some good news too. Have a great week, and good luck with your 485!
Congratulatioms on your 140 approval!
Did you have any LUDs before your 140 approval? What is your ND?

mish4gc said:
Just for the approval emails for 140!!

Mesbah - looks like you should be expecting it soon. Keep praying.
No LUD. ND is 3/16/04. They received the RFE response on 2/22/05, after that there was no LUD. I recently asked my lawyer to initiate an enquiry, I suspect this might be because of that.
My lawyer did an inquiry for my 140, and the officer said that i'm stuck in security/name check. Then the lawyer told them that they shouldn't hold 140, and the officer said, it won't make a difference because 485 won't get approved anyway. My lawyer requested that they process 140, and the officer said "i'll try to move the 140 along", in those words according to the lawyer. So, we'll see. Doesn't sound promising, and it looks like I'm going to be stuck for a while :(
Interesting, especially since yours was filed semi-concurr, I find that hard to believe.

My lawyer had also given me the same theory, but mine is pure concurrent and look they approved 140, 485 still pending. Did your lawyer talk on the emergency line or filed a formal inquiry? There is a thread going on about name check and 140, but namecheck/fp, its primarily about 485, not 140.
Emergency Line. She said that she had to call a couple of times, because a lot of officers weren't helpful at all.

A 140 approval would be a great relief, so I'm hoping that officer is honestly going to try to move it along.

I did a FOIPA with FBI, and got back a letter saying "No Records". If my 140 is approved, I may be able to use that letter with a congressman/senator to expedite the name check, and 485 approval. It's harder to do this if the 140 is still pending.
Name check

Hi Mesbah

I got an RFE for my I140 on March 31. My lawyer replied on April 11. INS got the RFE on April 22. I got the email from INS on April 25 saying that they received response for RFE. After that I had LUD changed on Apr 28.
After that no news.
(Even my friend had the same situation with the same dates, but his 140 approved on Apr 27th).

My questions is:

I called the emergency number for name check. They said name check is pending , but Finger Print is cleared.

Since the name check is pending, are they not going to process my I140 ?
Or Since I got the RFE , are they going to approve my 140 even my name check is pending.

Is it true, if the name check is pending they are not going to even touch I140. But I got the RFE for 140 , Do I need to wait for some more time.?

Share your experience.


mesbah said:
Emergency Line. She said that she had to call a couple of times, because a lot of officers weren't helpful at all.

A 140 approval would be a great relief, so I'm hoping that officer is honestly going to try to move it along.

I did a FOIPA with FBI, and got back a letter saying "No Records". If my 140 is approved, I may be able to use that letter with a congressman/senator to expedite the name check, and 485 approval. It's harder to do this if the 140 is still pending.

I have no idea. I can't tell you one way or another. However, what I can say, is that an RFE is a good sign. This means that they ARE processing your I-140 at least, so it's not blocked pending name check clearance.

If I were to guess, I'd say you'll hear of a decision in the near future. I've seen them take 1 - 3 months after RFE response, and as little as 4-5 days, so just hang in there. Good luck
Thanks a lot for you reply.

mesbah said:

I have no idea. I can't tell you one way or another. However, what I can say, is that an RFE is a good sign. This means that they ARE processing your I-140 at least, so it's not blocked pending name check clearance.

If I were to guess, I'd say you'll hear of a decision in the near future. I've seen them take 1 - 3 months after RFE response, and as little as 4-5 days, so just hang in there. Good luck
My 485 got approved as well. Today I got LUD on 140 (no change in message) and then a LUD on 485 with the message saying, it's approved!!!!

Hard to believe. The saga ends after 3 years and 7 months, it's unreal.

Mesbah - I think you should be expecting some good news soon, since it looked like your application was following the same trajectory.

All you guys on this forum, have been an immense support throughout this process and thank you for that. Good luck to you all in your GC journey and life after that!