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AP: Contacting the embassy regularly????

I agree that it's likely they leave the last two weeks "open" to accommodate last-minute interviews for those who find out/submit docs very late.

Gabam, I don't think irritating consular officials will lead them to deny your visa! They will follow the normal process for approval or denial based purely on your eligibility for a visa.
reasons for delays can be even trivial, such as: they want you to be on hold as many people make an entry to the state at the time...

You have a raised a very interesting point here. Could it be really a reason for the delay in AP?
You have a raised a very interesting point here. Could it be really a reason for the delay in AP?

To be honest, I doubt this. Your visa is valid for 6 months, they have no way of knowing when in that 6 months you will enter, or where. I would also think that the number of DV applicants under AP is such a small percentage of total arrivals in the US that it's unlikely to make any appreciable difference.

Edit: to prove this last point, see http://www.tinet.ita.doc.gov/view/m-2012-I-001/documents/top_ports.xls ... Just in the top ports of entry, there were almost 30 million non-resident arrivals last year....and this excludes returning residents...
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DV-2009 refused visa as AP did not complete on time

Hi Guys,

Sorry to break the bad news ,i have chked the 2009 blog for AP processing.
and if AP does not complete they simply do not issue the visa
hope we all get visa in time.

You have a raised a very interesting point here. Could it be really a reason for the delay in AP?

gabam, this point is actually a feedback from a successful applicant, it was reported some years ago here on this forum. Moreover, the CO lady explained all this at the time to him (or her), basically it was a decision from a higher level...if so, CO must always militantly apply the policies...
So, once you have the visa you can also ask for an explanation, meanwhile I am sure you will be OK
i just had a chat and they said its under the processing.
ur mailing them every week or how it is ?