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AOS fee - do I need receipt before I can submit I-485


New Member

I'm finishing up my I-485 application to submit to USCIS but haven't received the confirmation from the Department of State yet for the receipt of the $440 for adjustment of status (I sent a cashier's check about 3 weeks ago).
The letter from KCC states "You should present this receipt to USCIS at the time of your adjustment interview" - which contradicts with some sites that say that I have to submit that receipt with the I-485 application?
So, my question now is, do I need to wait until I get the receipt and then submit I-485 or can I submit it now and bring the receipt at the time of the interview?

I'd wait for the receipt.
Call KCC and ask. I did the same and they told me when the check was cashed and the date the receipt was mailed.
I hope it helps.

Good luck