Anyone have experience doing a walk-in FP at ASC


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If anyone has experience doing a walk-in FP at San Jose ASC please share. Do you they ask for any reason for the walk-in FP?
What is the best time for wal-in on a Monday

Is there any recommended time for a walk-in -- is morning time better or later evening? I see that the ASC is open till 4 pm...
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Is there any recommended time for a walk-in -- is morning time better or later evening? I see that the ASC is open till 4 pm...

I did a walk-in FP at a different ASC than one that was assigned to me, a full one week before my actual date. No questions asked, 15 mins. in and out. I was prepared to say that I had a doctor's appt on the date on the notice but didn't have to. In most cases, it is very straightforward and though it doesn't really expedite your case, it's worth a shot if you think the original date and time are not suitable for your schedule.

Good luck.