Any one apply for OCI in India?


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Given all the recent hassles around SC and OCI, I have decided to get a 1 year entry visa and apply for OCI later. One option is to apply in India. I have seen the Home affairs page.Looks like I will have to apply directly to MHA in Delhi since I will be in Bangalore. Anybody here have any experience applying in India - time line, process, any pitfalls ?
Would love to hear first hand experiences. Cannot find any on the net.

I did. Mailed to MHA. No action for 2-3 weeks. Went there, got it pulled out of the pile. Processed in another month or so. Sent family member to get passports stamped.
If you are willing to wait rather than go to MHA, it might be longer but cheaper. MHA might want some bakhshish and if you land up there, their job becomes easier.
Entry visa will work for all practical purposes except employment.
Thanks Sanjose for the reply. Expected as much. I will be in Bangalore and cannot go to MHA personally to run around and get it done...Will have to bite the bullet and get it from SFO..right now getting an Entry visa.
It is still worth trying from India if you can. Decide once you land up in India.
One option is to land up at FRRO Bangalore and see if they can facilitate. I read once that they did for one person ... but that would be an exception.
Thanks Sanjose,
Just got my Entry Visa. By the way do I need to register with the FRRO when I land in India under a Entry visa ? The printed instructions on the visa itself says I must register with FRRO within 14 days of landing in India. Is that true?

Just got my Entry Visa. By the way do I need to register with the FRRO when I land in India under a Entry visa ? The printed instructions on the visa itself says I must register with FRRO within 14 days of landing in India. Is that true?

Not really. See this link - part B.
And as long as you get your OCI within 6 months (remember to file it in a timely fashion), it will be a non-issue if someone wants to make an issue of it.
Applied for Entry visa through the travisa company - the link is through the SFO consultate website...Once they received the application it took 6 business days to approve the visa.Round trip including mailing time was about 10 days end to end. If you include the docs they want its pretty fast.

Thanks..can travel on entry visa now without too much hassle.