answer to "expedite request" is "we need 6 more months".. still file WOM?


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howdy. just today my wife got the "expedite answer" for "expedite request" that the officer from main branch of USCIS sent to local Orlando USCIS district (not on my request, she did it on her own telling me something may be wrong that it should not take that much time).

Besides of a regular mambo-jambo, it says: "you case requires six more months of review of open and unresolved issues. If you dont receive anything by mail within 6 months, please call USCIS toll-free number".

Whats your opinion?? Still go ahead with WOM (3 yrs, 8mnth since filing 485/130, 2yrs 8 months since interview, 8 months since last RFE), or my WOM may be now easily put down, if the judge decides that another 6 months was reasonable??

btw: how many of those "more time" I got?? at least 3 or 4...