AILA says Errors in Processing Time Report


New Member

Problems on Service Center Processing Time Reports

Please note that some items on the 9/17/04 processing time reports taken from the USCIS website (CSC, TSC and VSC) are out of order. Some I-129 listings are at the beginning, and some are toward the middle (as are I-90s and I-102s). AILA is attempting to notify USCIS of the problem.

A Dream: :D

TSC published the I485 dates with error. Readers please read the I485 processing date as

Dates Moved to 4/22 from 4/1

Dates have now moved to 4/22/02 instead of 4/1/02 from correction.

This is an wonderful correction.... great to hear this movement. :) :) :)
I think the TSC has sent a RFE to the its staff for the correct date. So expect another 2 weeks for them fix it. But the it will be time to "fix" the next processing date.

May 2003