A nanny/babysitter for my nephewes


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What's the procedure for a foregin nanny/babysitter to come to the United States based on the B1 visa? After entering the US with that visa, will she be able to apply for a social security number? What if she lives in the states with a temporary WT class visa?

Thank you
What is your status in the US?

A B1 visa not not permit one to receive a SSN on the basis of having that visa status. A B1 visa is for a worker conducting a limited type of temporary business for a foreign company and not for working in the US.
The visa waiver program does not allow any form of work. Any form of work that is undertaken under the visa waiver program (regardless of whether it is paid or not) that a US citizen could be paid for is an infringement of its rules and can result in deportation. The exception to this is things like business meetings etc....being a nanny/baby sitter does not fall into this category and any such work would be illegal.