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A message to all those 22,000 odd void winners

I din't show any money to the embassy to come to USA. We are 3 in my family, I showed just a letter from the sponsor. Also many GC holders here get food stamps and low income medical benifits. That is the truth

FoxyGirl, you have no idea about this topic.
US don't have money to take care of this third world people??? They don't speak English???

To get the GC all the selectees have an interview in the embassy, where one has to demonstrate that has enough money to live in the USA until finding a job. To be accurate, 18000$. Neither you nor the government have to pay for anybody.

Third world people?????? All european citizens and citizens from Australia, New Zealand, etc., can apply. 3th. world???
In fact, what is "third world" for you?? Argentina? Guatemala? or countries such as Mozambique or Bangladesh???

I think you have a problem of xenophobia... or just IGNORANCE.
u go to usa to get welfare? shit...
but the sad truth is that most foreign degrees are not reconised in usa so...
I din't show any money to the embassy to come to USA. We are 3 in my family, I showed just a letter from the sponsor. Also many GC holders here get food stamps and low income medical benifits. That is the truth
I don't agree with Madrid. I din't show any money to the embassy to come to USA. We are 3 in my family, I showed just a letter from the sponsor. Also many GC holders here get food stamps and low income medical benifits. That is the truth
that means the peoples who are so sure about the 15 000$ in the bank per familly members (who by the way didn't even get the interview...) are just telling fairy tails making them sounds like the truth
I don't agree with Madrid. I din't show any money to the embassy to come to USA. We are 3 in my family, I showed just a letter from the sponsor. Also many GC holders here get food stamps and low income medical benifits. That is the truth
I don't agree with Madrid. I din't show any money to the embassy to come to USA. We are 3 in my family, I showed just a letter from the sponsor. Also many GC holders here get food stamps and low income medical benifits. That is the truth

Green card holders are not allowed to apply for means tested benefits in the first 5 years in the US. If they are sponsored immigrants their sponsor can be held responsible to repay the government for the amounts colleccting. Collecting means tested benefits when not authorized can result in denial of citizenship and /or revokation of green card. Do you really want to arrive in the US only to be sent back ?
This is just a simple logic.

Yea, the results is still random but what DOS want is that irrespective of days of submission, applicants should still get a chance even though it might be slimmer than that d first few & last days (peak period) of registration.

I mean their should be winners across the 30 day registration people otherwise the whole DV will look like a mess meaning that if someone is not so lucky to submit on some ‘selected’ days, they have loss automatically which is not suppose to be (common sense).

If the winners are spread over the 30 day period, nobody will felt cheated anyway bcos some1 is selected on that particular day you submitted & you were not just luck to win.

But truth is always bitter, lies is always sweet..

DV 22,000 shd probably be termed ‘Days Lottery’.....hun
Agree with ToomCraigy. Fake site. It routes to a blog with a bunch of reposts and ads. This person is collecting money for site traffic while providing NO NEW INFORMATION.

Also, this person has been posting on a BUNCH of threads. Mods need to kick this person off the forum.

Really? I mean how dumb can you be? PHEW