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A Dvprogram rejection boycott?


New Member
We all know that everyone is able to apply, and all it takes is simple information like the name etc ... To apply to the lottery.

One of the main reasons to applications rejection is, if you apply multiple times, you are automatically rejected.

Something came to my mind if someone wants to boycott your entry he just needs to do multiple applications under your name or a slightly different name, and that makes your real application obsolete.

If this is the case, i think it needs to be fixed, what do you think?
it’s not unusual for different people to have the same name or slightly different names, and some people do change the names slightly to try trick the system. So no they do not do it by name. They usually do the sorting of duplicates by photo recognition software as far as I know.
it’s not unusual for different people to have the same name or slightly different names, and some people do change the names slightly to try trick the system. So no they do not do it by name. They usually do the sorting of duplicates by photo recognition software as far as I know.
Yea that makes more sense, because many people have the same name or probably a name that is similar