• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

A DV-2007 winner from Iran


Registered Users (C)
Hi every body,Today I enroled for this forum and I found that very useful.I have some inquiries about the various issues.I would be grateful if you could assist me.My inquiries are:

1-Is that obligatory for people to submit an AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT to the embassy in Ankara?Because I have nobody to support me and I just are able to submit a bank statement.Because I think that the embassy may consider this issue for people without any university studies!!Is that right or not?

2-Will you be predicting the case numbers for july or August increase until 7900 ?(For Asia)
3-What kind of inquiries will be brought up by the Visa Officer in Ankara?
4-How long the interview will take?
5-Will I be forced to communicate in English?
6-Could you please mention the name of hotels around the embassy and their price for a night?
7-How early we have to set an appointment for medical exams?

I understand that I have brought up many questions but,how pleasing it is to assist each other for a successful interview.

Thank you in advance for you kind co-operation regarding my case.

America Love
Hi man...
do you want to find your answers as a miracle?Do you? that is ok! click here!

By the way, some brief answers;
1.You have to find a sponsor and he must fill I-134 for you. No other way ...
2.Nobody couldn't say that! you can only guess.
3.No immportant questions.., who is your sponser? do you have a governmental job? and some easy inquiries. dont worry about that.
4.interview?... just 2 min!
5.no you don't. you can do it in persian.
6.do you want a sattelite map of ankara too? so visit my blog!
7.As soon as your number become current.

My friends and I are waiting for you in my weblog! welcome to our tiny society!
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Hi every body
I am DV winner and I will have an interview in July
IN DS-230 part 1 question No 11 : adders in united where you want your (Green Card )parment Resident mailed

Really I do not have any adders in America ,

Could any one help me in this problem
Hi every body,Today I enroled for this forum and I found that very useful.I have some inquiries about the various issues.I would be grateful if you could assist me.My inquiries are:

1-Is that obligatory for people to submit an AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT to the embassy in Ankara?Because I have nobody to support me and I just are able to submit a bank statement.Because I think that the embassy may consider this issue for people without any university studies!!Is that right or not?

2-Will you be predicting the case numbers for july or August increase until 7900 ?(For Asia)
3-What kind of inquiries will be brought up by the Visa Officer in Ankara?
4-How long the interview will take?
5-Will I be forced to communicate in English?
6-Could you please mention the name of hotels around the embassy and their price for a night?
7-How early we have to set an appointment for medical exams?

I understand that I have brought up many questions but,how pleasing it is to assist each other for a successful interview.

Thank you in advance for you kind co-operation regarding my case.

America Love

man faghat be 6 javab midam chon baghiye javabe kamel dadan!

6-hotel ercan 2 setare nemidonam shabi chande vali iranaria khodeshon mibaran onja
hotel elit palas khiabone bestekar sok ke dorost balaye sefarat amricas 4 star
hotel dedeman 5 setaras yeki az behtarin hotel haye ankaras
baraye etelaat bishtar rajebe ankara boro be site
manam case numberam awalaye 7000 e ehtemale ziyad hardomon to july im!!
man faghat be 6 javab midam chon baghiye javabe kamel dadan!

6-hotel ercan 2 setare nemidonam shabi chande vali iranaria khodeshon mibaran onja
hotel elit palas khiabone bestekar sok ke dorost balaye sefarat amricas 4 star
hotel dedeman 5 setaras yeki az behtarin hotel haye ankaras
baraye etelaat bishtar rajebe ankara boro be site
manam case numberam awalaye 7000 e ehtemale ziyad hardomon to july im!!

salam Agha ya khanoome 2007AS,
Khosh halam ke to ham sharayete mano daari,ishalla shayad betoonim bishtar ete'laat ger avari konim,valla age too site ankara beri neveshte ke aksare afraad ghable tarikhe interview check mishan amma dar ba'zi mavared(ke nemidoonam manzooresh chie) ehtiaaj haste ke bishtar applicant ro check konim.man ba tavajoh be inke raghame case No ma balast fekr mikonam sharayete ma az kasaei ke masalan too Jan Ya Feb mosahebe shodan behtar bashe az lahaze background check.Albatte az zahere amr injoor mishe pishbini kard.Dar kol bayad dar sadi ham bezari ke case ma be natijeye khaasi narese.amma khob ishalla ke hatman beshe.age javabe soalayee ke baraye oon 2 ta dooste khoobemoon post kardam midooni lotfan baram BENEVIS!!