7th year extension thru difft. employer??


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I am nearing 6 years completion in another 5 months. And my LC is pending over 2.5 years. My current employer is going to file for the 7th year......Meanwhile, trying to explore some other possiblities if I lose my job in between AFTER APLLYING THE 7th Year by the CURRENT employer.

1. If I lose my job, my employer may ask me to go back...In that instance, Is that possible by a different employer to file for 7th year using the LC pending over 365 days....Do the old employer should co-operate to give all the documentation for the LC pending ?.

2. If an another employer sponser the LC substitution at this time,
Can I switch to that company without 7th year extension ??...(I think then I should get EAD before 6 years right....to avoid that risk of getting or not, that employer should apply 7th year extsion right..??)

3. If above two possiblities don't make sense....Any sugesstions please...

I really appreciate your answers.

Thanks for your help.

You can transfer your 7th Year extension to another employer. If you file 140 with substitution with your employer, it will be fine. make sure you file 140 with substitution before the previous employer cancels the Labor Certification Petetion.
Hope this helps.