4th year on L1 -> want to process H1


New Member
Dear Experts,

Appreciate if you could please answer my questions.

My story:
1) Had a stamped H1 visa from Oct 2006 - Apr 2009 from company A which I did not use at all.
2) Had a stamped L1 B Individual from the same company for the period Feb 2007 - Nov 2009 and I eventually used which was like close to 3 years.
3) Now I am in the US with my new L1 B Blanket from the same company for the period Nov 2009- May 2012.

My questions: I would like to process H1 through employer B & aspirant about GC. I heard from a few that i can be in the US for a max of 7 years if L1 & 6 years if H1. If I get a H1 visa stamped how long can I be in the US & is there a way for me to process my GC before being asked to go back.

Please help me come out of my confusion .
