15 days travel per year allowed?


Registered Users (C)
Good Afternoon,

First, I would like to say that your forum for asylees has been really helpful because I have been able to see the different points of views for different subjects (like renewing NP) with points for and aganist it.

My worry now is that it seems like some modifications have been done or are proposed to begin next year. Does anybody knows about a modification for the travel time per year allowed for asylees/ green card holders for up to 15 days per year? Somebody indicated me that USCIS will be implemented next year. I haven't hear anything about it, don't know if only a modification proposed. I really appreciate your feedback/comments regarding this issue or other modifications implemented or being implemented soon.
Good Afternoon,

First, I would like to say that your forum for asylees has been really helpful because I have been able to see the different points of views for different subjects (like renewing NP) with points for and aganist it.

My worry now is that it seems like some modifications have been done or are proposed to begin next year. Does anybody knows about a modification for the travel time per year allowed for asylees/ green card holders for up to 15 days per year? Somebody indicated me that USCIS will be implemented next year. I haven't hear anything about it, don't know if only a modification proposed. I really appreciate your feedback/comments regarding this issue or other modifications implemented or being implemented soon.

Please. Before you start to get scared by baseless information, think about it logically. You really think that making it only 15 days per year for LEGAL immigrants would make any sense? As Legal immigrants, you have more rights and taking off and having fun is basic right that is granted without any questions asked. Legal residents can even be out for more than 6 months granted they have a Rentry permit...Lot of people vacation and sometimes for 1 month, 2 months..in extreme cases where you have enough money 6 months...You really think that 15 days per year will fly?

So before some doofus tells you this stupid information, think about it logically.
yeap, wantmygcnow, agree with you. No idea from where people came up with this such as bullshit information.

Please provide the source of that info.