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  1. A

    Notice of Revocation of Release | Stateless Person

    Here is what happened with FSU. All people living in FSU have been required to be registered with local police department, this registration called "propiska" (for some countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan this requirement is still in place). After split of USSR...
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    N-600, Proof of residence for US Citizen parent

    Our family immigrated to the US in 2011. I got my US Citizenship a month ago and my wife is getting hers in 2 days. We decided to apply for Certificate of Citizenship for our 16 yo son (yes, we know it's pricey; yes, we know it's not mandatory; yes, we just want our son to have independent piece...
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    N-400 - is online filing option finally available

    Just found two links: h t t p s:// h t t p s:// (Please remove spaces, forum doesn't allow me to put links). Looks like I can now file N-400 directly online and pay directly online. Did somebode...
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    Former US Citizen going back to country of persecution (asylee)

    Belandria, as far as I understand, you are from Belarus. You cannot even apply for Belarussian visa if you are already a Belorussian citizen. If yes, you have the following options: 1. Use your NP and try to enter Belarus directly; 2. Use your NP and try to enter Russia, then move to Belarus...
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    Small or midsize company in home country + daughter company in US + L1A = GC - any success stories?

    For 10 years I own a midsize company (telecommunications and Internet providing) in my home country with annual cashflow of $1M and have 16 people employed. So now I want to incorporate a daughter company in the US that will do something close to what my company does, for example, send some...