Yippeee!!.. Its my turn now..


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

My case has been approved. Ah..What a relief !!.. It has been a long long wait. Yet to see spouse's approval though..

ND: april 30, 2002
FP2: april 24, 2004
approved : july 20, 2004

I am a NJ filer.

Everytime i see an approval , i felt if my chance would ever come. I always got some hope whenever i saw a april -2002 approval.

I wish speedy approval for all those 2001, 2002 filers.

Thanks to Mr.. R. khanna and team for their excellent site.
I knew your Approval was around
All the Best and Enjoy Freedom
Look like all April 2002 Filers are getting Knocked out By Approval Gr8 news

Nice to see April'02 approvals.
I hope I am next but you never know with BCIS.
Good Luck Guys and have fun.

new1975, my LUD did change to 05/04/04 but no update in status even after 2fp. Approval was the only update..

thanks to all for ur wishes.

GC_NC123, i initiated an enquiry thro the senator of NJ , twice, first time i got fp2 notice and second the approval.. may be u can also give it a try..

wish u good luck..
