Will GC Processing time increase because of terrorist attacks


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Will they start taking more time for background check given the recent happening - though nothing happened directly with EB immigrants.
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I know that the GC wait is getting on the nerves of lots of people. I am expressing below my view on the subject, after all this IS a free country. Flame posts will be ignored, there are only so many hours in a day. Decent responses appreciated even if not acknowledged in writing.

Various inconveniences have to be expected after the attack. Personally I am preparing for an even longer wait than I would have expected - and my case has been transferred to the local INS office.

I am in the business of getting a GC since 97. Still the long wait is *nothing* compared to the loss of thousands of lifes.

Properly enforcing security clearance checks is benefic for everybody\'s protection. Think for a minute about the alternative: if it turns out that terrorists can use H1 visas to (easily) get in the US, how good would you feel with the FBI checking all the recently approved files? Not to mention the backslash from angry american citizens. And the interesting new regulations about detention and deportation of illegal immigrants. I know you\'ve never been out of status, but try explaining that to the INS on your way to the outbound airplane.

Being part of a system that properly enforces law and regulations has advantages and (lengthy) inconveniences. We definitively need to have our applications checked according to the law.

Just my 2 cents. Waiting so long is difficult, even for a pretty rational person as myself :)

Direct your good thoughts and maybe financial help to the victims of this tragedy.

Above all I wish you Peace.
I agree with you ProActive

Your perspective is refreshing. I think it likely that some delays will be inevitable. Border crossings and Consular processings are likely to be more difficult. Nearly all US consulates are currently operating but if this escalates into an active war, that could change. US sentiments toward immigration and visas could change if these attacks continue. I certainly hope that is not the case, for all our sakes.

Hang in there and bear with the delays. As you stated, it could be much worse.

we ALL together can make a DIFFERENCE

ProActive : your thoughts are very Rational and logic based ....

I would say if we can lobby together as a single UNIT to CSC and get Congressmen involved ......... I am sure we ALL together can make a DIFFERENCE .

We are Educated , Experienced , Professional guys and America stands for Liberty , Justice for ALL .......I am sure we ALL together can make a DIFFERENCE .