

New Member
Hello all:

My uncle had filed for the greeen card for my dad (his brother) and my other uncle (his other brother) in 1992. My dad has three children, myself, my younger brother and my older sister. All of us now are above 21 years. My uncle (the other person being sponsored) has two children, son and a daughter. They are also a little above 21 years.

Now my uncle (petitioner) has got the affidavit of support alongwith a document that is asking to pay the fees of $335 for form DS230 (Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration) for each of the person they have specified. For my dad's case they are asking to pay for my dad and my mom only. But for my uncle, they are asking for himself, his wife and both of his children. They are also above 21 years of age. Particularly his son is almost the same age (within 7 days) as my younger brother (almost 24 years of age). I am wondering why they have included his children, and if there is some way they qualify, why at least my brother is not included in my dad's case?

Has there been any error in my uncle's case? Or there is some qualification criteria that we don't know of, that applies to his children, but not to my dad's?

Anyone has any information on that?

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