why is INS ph # extremely busy all of a sudden

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yeah dudes - even at 12:00 midnight last nite after i got through the AVM did not start at all.
I\'d reckon the system is out of order or getting re-vamped to be a highly efficient one ;->
hey it does not cost much to be optimistic....
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Something is terribly wrong for sure with VSC system. I dealt with the same condition even off peak hours for whole this week. Always got the busy signal except for once..when it just rang forever..

However, I was able to get in today at 2:00 PM and spoke to a nice IIO. So my suggestion, just try randomly - you never know.

Good Luck
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I got thru -

the phone rang seeveral times; then silence for a while -
then the message came "you have reached the vermont service center ..."

After this it worked though it was pretty slow compared to its
usual self.

As long as VSC is processing applications at the rate it has been
the last month and a half - its phone system can be slow - no problem with that slowness !