Whole Lotta Love : Victory on I-485 Backlog Reduction, Next Fight, and Goodbye ...

I don't think your fight is over just yet. The hardest part has now begun. Now the backlog at the Service Centers will become the backlog at the Local offices. The problem is that the local offices do not post processing dates for EB cases, since its not thier jurusdication. They only post dates for FB cases. EB cases can get transferred to the local offices and stay ther indefinitely, with no basis to ask for the case to be processed sooner.

Its going to be even harder to fight the backlog at the local centers, since instead of contacting 4 service centers, now we wil have to contact hundreds of local offices.

A transfer to a local center is like a black hole for a case, and many more cases will be transferred due to the backlog reduction at the Service Centers.

They've tricked us into thinking the backlog is getting reduced, when in fact all they did was move the backlog over to another set of IIOs, who do not have to obide by the processing dates posted for the 4 service centers.
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Good Job Kashmir,

Its been a very good experience working with you and I'm sure its going to be more challenging and fun in the next goal.

Its a good work from you with great determination, strength and pursuation with clear goals.

I'm sure CSC and other Service Center applicants owe you and Rajiv for the backlog reductions.

Good luck.
Something is wrong here

What are you people talking about?
What reduction???
My wife who's app is 02-116, and many many many many many other applicants before and after her STILL didn't get their Green Cards!
How can you proclame victory just because the JIT moved to some weird date?
All of us did reap the benefits of the fight you started. You were the first one to go directly talk to senators not only for your case but for the backlog and encourage everybody to do so.

Wish you and your family good luck. Would love to definitely join your Citizenship campaigns/fight. PLease do post that information/forum to the people interested.

While I totally agree that there are lot of 02ers still waiting (me being one -March 02 02129*), the reason CSC is doing what its doing now is because of the hard fight Kashmir and others gave. Otherwise, the processing date would still be Dec15, 2001.

Sure we won the battle, but not sure if the war has been won or is over. But have to say we wouldn't have gotten as much as we did without your efforts. Your determination has never flagged and you actually held the community on your shoulders at the beginning of the fight. I do hope that the legacy of your work is not lost. That the fight is carried on by others towards its conclusion. Good luck with the next campaign, I will surely participate so keep me in the loop.
I don't want to be disrespectful. I think Kashmir is a very special person too. I like him most for the scanner he wrote, but regarding all these campaigns, what makes you think that whatever happens at USCIS, happens because of these actions?
gica said:
What are you people talking about?
What reduction???
My wife who's app is 02-116, and many many many many many other applicants before and after her STILL didn't get their Green Cards!
How can you proclame victory just because the JIT moved to some weird date?

Now I think its in individuals hand. The key is the JIT date. You need to pursue it hard and bombard the CIS with faxes, talk to your representatives, ask your lawyer to fax and inquire with CIS. Now you have every right as JIT is in Jan 03. Think about your case when the JIT was sleeping at Nov 01 6/9 months ago. Do you think if the JIT is still at Nov 01 you can demand the justice to be done to you ? or Can you send FAX inquiries to look into your case. Atleast you have that now and you can put pressure.

Certain things dont take thier own course, we need to be catalysts to drive them. I'm sure you are doing whatever you can, add some more. And I'm sure you will see the end of the light.

Good luck,
gica said:
regarding all these campaigns, what makes you think that whatever happens at USCIS, happens because of these actions?
For some reason we beat this dead horse every few days. The reason I and a lot of others on this forum believe that the campaigns were atleast part way responsible is because of the action taken by BCIS to meet or atleast mitigate the circumstances behind all the issues raised by us in various forums (lawsuit or campaigns).

There was absolutely no motion in the 485 cases for over 12 months. Take a look at the approval threads for this month last year, it will serve as a reality check. After our campaigns started, we began to get noticed. I remember this town hall meeting we attended where Congresswoman Eshoo read a comment passed to her by her staff, realise it was immigration related issue, look around the hall for our immigration group and address the answer TO US! That was the effect of an efficient campaign. The next time she met Don Neufield don't you think she would have atleast mentioned our names? If not pushed our cases, just to get us off her back?

Sure you could say the campaigns did nothing, since there is no proof. But there is no arguing with success. ALL (or nearly all) the plaintiffs in the case against CSC have been approved. Most of the people who made the loudest noises (again bar one or two), have been approved. Processing speeds have moved up the wazoo. INS is moving the JIT so fast it is giving them friction burns. Now the question that begs to be asked is why is INS doing that? And more specifically why is CSC beating all the other service centers to move the JIT, specially since for sometime it was the worst service center rivalling TSC? Could it be because the loudest noise makers were from CSC?

You have been a personal inspiration to me and many others who grew weary of the process. Yet your unwavering commitment continued to breathe new energy to all our shared plight.

Thank you so much for all your insight.

All the best to you and your family.
Thank you for your contribution this community

YOu did great job in making people to send faxes to senetors, attending congressmen/women town hall meetings and get justice from INS/BCIS. we got our green cards approved just because of our faxes to INS & SENETORS,I can confirm that When I look back and compare our 485 applications others with same or similer dates{Yet to be approved}.

Good luck for you and your feature.

good bye & Good luck!!


You have been most energetic & most perseverant in your endeavours in this forum & helped countless ppl...Be it your scanner or your projects, your contributions are enormous & benefited the entire community...thanks! for your help...

Good luck !!
pinnacle_man said:
What is your next project?
BlackDog :)

There is so much to say. But...all I want to say

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Who is that BlackDog................looks like familiar to me when I used to do ...IRC chat.....................
GC_BD said:
Who is that BlackDog................looks like familiar to me when I used to do ...IRC chat.....................

Kashmir, Whole lotta love, ocean are led zeppelin's songs.
So is black dog

Thanks for your hearty words.
I am really pleased to have read your messages.

I have been posting 4500+ messages at ImmigrationPortal.COM so far,
but I have not been spending so much time here as most of you think.
I think that 60% of my messages are related with Project Ocean,
and 30% are related to Project Kashmir.
Actually, I had been sometime asked some specific questions
but usually I could not give them any answers nor simply I had no idea.

So, I have been focusing the fight for immigrants,
especially I-485 applicants because I was one of them,
against the injustice of the U.S. government including USCIS,
rather than Q&A or discussions at the forum.

I think it is just a matter of priorities.
Every person has one's own list of priorties, and I have my own list.
Of course, I have been spending more time for my job and my family rather than immigration issues.

Now, I completed all my works for I-485 backlog reduction at the CSC,
and I am currently working on:
1) I-140 CSC backlog issue with I-140 CSC forum members
2) H.R. 3701 and V Visa issue with V Visa forum members
We will attend Mike Honda's (D CA 15) town hall meetings next week.

And, I plan to work on:
3) I-140 and AC-21 issue based Fujie Ohata's memo - nationwide campaign
4) Amendment of Section 316(a)(1) of INA about 5-year residential requirement for Naturalization
I will follow up Zoe Lofgren, and visit Anna Eshoo's Palo Alto office.

The future target may include:
5) Amendment of U.S. Constitution about Voting Rights of LPRs

As I wrote before, my final goal of this fight is Liberty of Immigrants
because I think the current immigration system is the last slavery in the United States.