Who are to be included as sons/daughters?


New Member
When filling out the N-400 form, do all stepsons/stepdaughters have to be included, even those from previous marriages?

Do they also have to be included if they're adults?


The n-400 instructions state:

A. Write the total number of sons and daughters you have had. Count all of your children, regardless of whether they are:

1. Alive, missing, or dead;
2. Born in other countries or in the United States;
3. Under 18 years old or adults;
4. Married or unmarried;
5. Living with you or elsewhere;
6. Stepsons or stepdaughters or legally adopted; or
7. Born when you were not married

This means all children, including stepson(s)/stepdaughter(s) from any previous marriage(s), regardless of it you have contact with them or not.