what should i do...


Registered Users (C)
again i am frustrated as many jan 02 and feb 02 ppl...03 cases are getting approved and we are still waiting....
what should i do...

i already faxed case inquiry form...( no response).
try to call Customer service...( wait time is 20 min...after that it got disconnected..tried 2-3 times)..
I wrote all emails( whatever kashmir and other ppl said)...

Is there anything left...

It is not worth it...going through all this tense and stress...

please suggest me or share your views.

Relax friend.

You have done what is within your power.

No point getting too tensed and stressing yourselves out on this which will definitely affect your health.

If people who should listen are not listening, we have continue to pound their doors until out of frustration atleast they will heed to our repeated attempts.

Just Relax. May be stop visiting this site and the BCIS site for a couple of days.

Please do not get angry with me for what I suggested. I have gone through this road at the dear cost of my health and family. It definitely is not worth it. I am also in the same boat though I am a WAC03092..... case.

I am in the same boat as you are. I have been waiting for 2.5 years and I am still waiting. I am so frustrated and I can feel how the green card application is ruining my health and my happiness. We have been treated unfairly and it seems like nobody cares our feeling.
Maybe the FBI or Homeland Security is doing the name check on you as they are doing this on me. They don't have the time frame how soon they can complete this. Hope it won't take forever. We didn't do anything wrong and didn't hurt anyone. I don't know why they treat us like the criminals.
I am wac02042 and have also been waiting for ever. What is helping me is trying to learn how to relax and make the best of what I have control over.

I posted this once before:

Happiness is a journey not a destination ....

"For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin, real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness: happiness in the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one."
I know how it feels vjshanker. I am an early Feb02 filer too. Look what is happening. They come all the way to Jan 02 and then start processing late Feb 02 and beyond. So what can we do? I got a letter from local senator who is willing to enquire on my behalf. But the JIT is still Jan 30, so I know what will be the outcome of any enquiry. So what else do I do? I got my 3rd EAD valid till June 2005. I have a job going and I cant move out of the current pleace because of family constraints. So I decided not to worry too much about it as GC not going to help me right now. I mean, sure, I would love to have my GC, but if it is not coming as fast as we like, cant help it.

Participated in the email/fax campaigns, wrote to senators and will continue to do so. I see that it is helping out, but in some unintended direction.

So you are not alone. there are other in the same boat, if that is any consolation. Also you may want to wait till May end and see where the JIT goes. There have been lots of promises/predictions about JIT movement. speeding up and things like. Once the JIT is past our ND date, then we can move mountains to see what is happening or not happening to our cases. STAY COOL. GC is not the end of your problems.
stillwaitinganw is right.
We are suffering. But this is life. Ours are just different from others. But we shouldn't lose our faith and we shouldn't let one thing to ruin our whole life. INS officers don't care whether we are happy or not, whether we are frustrated or not. But we should care ourselves. It is not esay for us to be happy when surrounded by so many frustrating stuff, but let's try and let's encourage each other.
Share your frustration


I'm a WAC02 124 and I share the feeling of being overlooked and upset by the more recent approvals.

I wonder whether it's a dividing strategy... INS fed up with us all complaining so trying to make some of us happy and hope that we the forgotten get to be a small enough minority that we don't count.

But if they are then they have underestimated us all. I've been very happy to have the support of the WAC 03-er's on the group. I hope that they continue to fight for their own and our rights to timely adjudication. And, we WAC02's have to be determined to keep raising the issue with everyone we can.

spoke to Customer service..

i just spoke to customer service rep....she says the same old thing...she told me the same status....processing resumed after receiving FP...
I asked how much time it will take...she told me 90 days ...and they are processing jan 30th cases now, so it should be in next couple of months...she didn't gave me any other information about my case....
How do i know my case is gone to FBI for security check....etc.

this is disgusting....
can any one tell me how and what to write to senator...

Ask your lawyer or the congressman's case worker to contact the service center. They will be told what is going on with your case and whether the FBI or the Homeland Security is doing the security check or name check on you. I don't know whether the center feeds the case worker or the lawyer the right info or not. But for me, both the case worker and the lawyer told me my case is under the name check since my name is very common. Is your name very common?
my name

my name is vijay shanker...i dont know whats wrong in this name....can you see anything wrong in this?
I already asked my lawyer...she is more anoying...she is telling they are processing jan cases and mine case is feb.....so i should wait...and she didnt had any answers when i asked her why they are clearing 03 cases...so now you know what kind of help i can get from her9my lawyer)...

any info about writing to senator...

thanks everybody for replying me back...it really helps when i see lots of other ppl are also in same boat....keep sailing..

life going on...who cares...these moronS.......

Mr Shanker,

Cool down and relax. Your reactions seems like you have allowed this quest for GC to take over every moment of your life.

Take your mind of for a small amount of time, may be go for a walk alone somewhere and return to your place (home or work).

We all understand your frustrations and your feeling of disgust at what is being done to all of us. Everything from faxing to senators, congressmen/women, director of CSC, every possible official as suggested by relevant GURUS on this portal forumn has been done. Just losing your patience and mind is definitely not going to solve anything.

Your family is dependent on you (or will be dependent on you) and hence your health (both mental and physical) is of prime importance to them as well as you. You should not let this affect anything in your life.

You have done everything within your possible power and so have many others who are with you.

The only thing we can do now is send reminder faxes or emails every week until we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So please relax and take a deep breath, It is not going to solve anything by being frusturated, disgusted and grumpy.

If I have upset you by anything above, apologies in advance.

to vjshanker

im in the wac-02073XXXXX and also frustrated like u do, but after reading the above posts, i feel uplifted and somewhat hopeful..ure not alone in this quest...pray for the BEST!!!
WAC03001, but still been waiting 18 months! vjshanker, there is lots of good advise for you on this thread. We all understand that you have a right to be upset and angry, but how will it help you? Channelize your anger into being more efficient.

Write to your Congressman, Senators on a regular basis. Speak to them about your problems. Write to Don Neufield, contribute to ImmigrationPortal.ORG, fight for your approval. Because as you can see, no one will help you till you help yourself.

Good luck and take care!
Letter Writing

Hi VJ,

First, and foremost, let me suggest that you do not write to the Senator or Congressperson today. You need to be angry when you write, but you also need to be calm enough to write a letter. There's a very particular thing you want to achieve when writing to the Senators and Congresspeople... because you want their help...

so, even though they are a part of the problem, because they produce the legislation and not the funding that overwhelms the USCIS, you want them to want to help you.

I've been pretty successful with my own letter campaign. I've now had responses from both Senators and my Congresswoman. The feedback that I've gotten are that my letters touch on important issues. I think it's because I am always careful to write about how my personal troubles are frustrating but that our collective difficulties have significant impact on the american economy, american competitiveness, etc... I think I give them arguments that they can take to the meetings that they have with the CSC and that the CSC finds it hard to defend against (no one can say "hey we don't care about American Competitiveness" right...)

So, VJ try and enjoy the sun today. Look around and remember that California is a beautiful place. That's my coping strategy for my anger... and then let me know if you'd like me to give you copies of letters. (I've written four to Feinstein, four to Boxer, and three to Pelosi. The first three in each case were the same letter, and now that I've had interactions I have had to specialise more...).

I am happy to support you, and anyone else in letter writing.

take care of yourself VJ. It will be OK. We will not only get greencards, but they will come to fear us when we are able to vote... in the interim we do live in a very beautiful place.

Hi becky,

Thank you for your post and sharing your successful experience with us.
For my case, the FBI or Homeland Security Office is doing the Name Check or Security Check on me according to the immigration officers' phone responds to my lawyer and the Congressman's case worker. I was been told the only thing I can do is to wait. So will it help if I choose to write to the Senator or the Congressman?
If you think writing a letter to them will be helpful, would you please also send me the copies of your letters?
Thank you very much.
Vj Jee cool down sir

Vj Jee cool down sir.

I fully understand ur situation. Don't make ur life miserable.
Be happy. Enjoy each day of life as if it is the last of the life.

Getting stressed out won't help much. I suggest we all protest one fine day in fron t of the Laguna niguel office.

7+ years of waiting and still enjoying my life in exile

Hi Free,

It sounds like you've already done well enough to get help from a Congressperson's staff worker--that's pretty good. It's about what I've managed, so I'm not sure what else you can do.

That said, some of my letters are already on other threads so you may be able to see them. Perhaps a good thing is to not write to the Congressperson's whose staff worker is giving you help, but write to the Senators.

Before you write think about what impacts your processing delays have on the American Economy. So, have you had to do an interim EAD on top of all the others... guess how much of your work year you spend doing immigration related paperwork and other activities. Then explain to them that in addition to that being personally vexing, that it's actually impacting the economy, your company hires you and other immigrants but then has to spend much money and time supporting their cases (even if that's not really true) it's an argument that they can't not care about.

Good luck,


ps: there was a thread called where is becky a short time ago, that has some of my letters on it I think.