Visitor Visa Approved on 3rd attempt @ Bombay

details please


Can you give us some more details please like:

When was your mil's first 2 attempts(which months)?

What were the resons for denials during the first 2 attempts?

What extra documents did she produce during her 3rd attempt that might have got her the visa?


My MIL first applied in 2000 and her app was rejected since they thought she was a potential immigrant.

She reapplied in March 2003, was rejected again this time they mentioned that she did not have enough finances.

This march we applied a full court press, got 2 senators supporting letters & 1 congressmans....Also, we made sure that we had all possible documents ready to show strong ties to india, finances etc...The key thing is to prove you have a strong reason to return to india.

Above all, there was a lot of prayers(we are christians) from our american & indian friends/relatives...


Regards, Z
Letter from Congresman & Senators....

Hi Dear,

Would you please share that information in detail. I tried first time my mom alone and they rejected her, than I tried second time with my mom-dad and they rejected again.

Now, my wife is preganet and I definately wants my parents to visit USA for any price. I would greately appriciate your help in this matter.


I need your help and advice.

I am planning to meet local senator for a letter which will help my parents to get US visitor visa from India.

My father is a handicapped person. My parents visited us in jun 2000 on visitor visa. I am not sure as to how to approach the senator. What should be the content of the letter. SHould I carry a letter and he just signs or he gets the letter written and signs on his letterhead.

Please help.

Thanks a lot,
Need information about the letter from Senator


I need your help and advice

I am planning to bring my sister (who is 40 years old and has strong ties to go back to india, husband is working in government and has two kids studying, has own house and elder mother depend on her). Her visa was rejected at chennai consulate for the first time, the officer didnt see any documents.

Now I am planning to apply for the next time. I am planning to meet my local senator or the congressman and get a letter. I have few questions about this.

1. Can anyone go and meet the local senetor or the congressman.
2. What reason do I have to tell them for my sister visit. Same tourism reason which she told to the embassy.
3. Is there any specific format for the letter. Do I have to prepare the letter or will they prepare and sign

Any help is highly appreciated.
what is full court press? How you got 2 senators letter. Is it easy to meet senators. I am not a greencard holder or citizen, just staying in work visa. is it possible for me to go and meet the local senator or congreessman.
