VERMONT approves Chutney

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Hearty Congratulations... It is story like this makes me feel that my ordeal is somewhat lesser of a nature. I am also been in this country for more than 10 years now. Waiting to get the ordeal over with. We lived in Central NJ area. Not any more. Who knows. We will see you around some time.

Good Luck to you through the rest of the process.

Take Care.

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Congratulations. I have sent you an email a few hours ago.

I wish you & your family all the best in everything that you guys do in your future.

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Let me join the team to CONGRATULATE you for the happy ending of this long & painful journey. Wish you and your family all the best for the coming future.
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Thanks a lot Bhanu I am still compiling the list of all the interested netters the moment that is complete I will send emails regarding the after consulting with everyone of the venue and time to meet, I will relax now and take it from there.


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Thank you Subba Rao that\'s why I chose my nickname as chutney, plus I like chuntey since I am a vegetarian my wife and my cook make he main dishes at home they dont let me in the kitchen, but I force myself in in the pretext as the expert chutney maker.


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Thank you wazzup, you know since I lived here long enough I never thought I belonged anywhere else and the green card thing was just a state I thought when I was younger by 5 years believe me it has taken its toll, my advise to everyone who wants to stay in this country to get the process over with as soon as possible it is like a pest if not done, it does not harm you greatly in anyway but it drags and makes your life filled with anxiety and may even cause dipression ( I was lucky I had family and kids going for me ), plus I used to visit India every year sometimes twice in a year.


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Thank you pardesi_0900, you know I lived here for so long but every passing year makes me like this old manna dey\'s song "Aye mere pyare Vatan", since I always think of myself as paradesi too, since I left
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Thank you Arun I will try to make it for lunch time and will send out emails of the list of places and everyone can vote and take it from there.

thank you