US GC Vs Canadian PR


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Few years back i got canadian PR and kept that option as insurance policy in case i could not get my US GC, but things remained positive and i got my US GC.

I am not sure what to do with the canadian PR, keep it or leave it, any comments from gurus!!!

PS: FYI , i will be able to apply for canadian citizenship by early next year!
I belive you have to turn in your Canadian PR for getting the US GC. At least I have heard a few people say that in the CP forum. I don't know what are the consequences though.
alren said:
I belive you have to turn in your Canadian PR for getting the US GC. At least I have heard a few people say that in the CP forum. I don't know what are the consequences though.

Not sure of that ... Infact, Shahabraja has gotten his US GC without having to turn in the maple leaf card...
Databases are being linked, and laws are increasingly enforced. Let alone abandounence of american PR, as events unfold, it could be deemed as fraud and hence deportable, thus loosing both privileges.

I have just recently got my US GC and had canadian PR for last 2 years??? INS never gave me any problems!

Secondly, can any one compare the benefits of US GC Vs C PR
unitednations said:
Your analysis would be which is the better place to live. That would be your personal decision.

USA population close to 300 million
Canada population close to 30 million.

Given the choice between living in Canada and USA, the populations speak for themselves.

China: 1.3 billion
India: 1 billion
Better place to live?

I think mostly depends on where you live - considering both are big in size. To me - Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver are as pleasant as NY, Chicago or San Francisco. On the other hand, Alberta is as boring as Idaho or Iowa.
I think what Joe says is correct. I have my Canadian PR since 2001 and recently got my GC.

Though,m I landed in Canada in 2001 and came back after 2 days. When I was there and went to apply for my SIN in Canada, I was asked what status I was in US a GC or H1B.

I was on H1 then, so was ok. Secondly, when I was leaving Canada after 2 days and entering US, the US gu asked me why I was in canada only for 2 days and he saw that I had a landed immigrant status. I told him that I had to pack up few things and come back to canada. He asked me whether the Canadian authorities knew about this. I told him yes as I was on H1B in US. This was right after 09/11. I had landed in October of that year.

Secondly, my friend who is in Canada had a friend in similar situation. His friend used to cross Canada and US with his respective status, ie. CANADA on PR and US on PR. / GC.

Once the US authorities found this, they took away his card and snapped it in front of him, saying you cannot keep both.

I would guess what JoeF said makes perfect sense from a legal point of view. But, there are folks who keep both. If you decide to apply for your Canadian Passport, please let me know your experience and how you went about proving that you were in Canada legally. Thanks.
thank you for sharing your experience, waitingforAOS11:
my take:
Databases are being linked, and laws are increasingly enforced. Let alone abandounence of american PR, as events unfold, it could be deemed as fraud and hence deportable, thus loosing both privileges.
I applied for canadia PR few months back but sent an application to withdraw
it as soon as I got my US GC. So I never got canadian PR. Can I still have
problem with US GC in future as you say that the databases are linked now
a days ?
How to.......

Hi all,

I got Canada Landing Permit 4 years ago, I just landed in Canada, applied SIN, came back to US and last year I got my US GC and have been living here and never traveled to Canada.

How to abandon Canadian GC? Do I have to send my Landing permit to anyone?

Thank You for your feedback.

ImmiInfo said:
Hi all,

I got Canada Landing Permit 4 years ago, I just landed in Canada, applied SIN, came back to US and last year I got my US GC and have been living here and never traveled to Canada.

How to abandon Canadian GC? Do I have to send my Landing permit to anyone?

Thank You for your feedback.

i am pretty much in the same boat; here's my halfpennyworth:

i had applied for and received canadian PR back in 2000, and i landed in canada in late 2000. i was there for a grand total of one day, during which i applied for my SIN card and opened a bank account. i never went back. my US GC process started in early 2001, and approved early 2004.

since i have been out of canada for over three years, my canadian PR status is well and truly abandoned. i cannot imagine that my being a canadian landed immigrant in a previous life can have any bearing on my US PR status now, unless i take steps to somehow revive my canadian PR - which i believe is not possible without either reapplying or employing some judicious subterfuge; and i have no overpowering urge to do either. accordingly, too, i am also not going to expend time or effort in turning any canadian immigration-related paperwork in to authorities in either country. if either one of them ever wants it, they can have it.
My two cents worth...

Not wading into the legalities discussion of holding both PR's as I don't know.

However as a Canadian, born and raised left 14 years ago to live in New Zealand till 99 then in Southern Cali since then, here are my thoughts.

For economic, i.e. personal wealth and the potential for better earnings, better taxes, better weather, less gov't, better weather, Quebec situation, better weather, socialism bleeding the country dry, better weather...did I mention better weather?

Also another interesting point... on deciding which country is better to live in, have you noticed that it's Canadians that want to immigrate to the US in droves not the other way around and the US limits Canadians, i.e. look at the GC lottery, Canadians can't apply as there are too many here in the US.

Do I want to move back to Canada, where all my family is? Hell no!
Anyone can tell me how long it takes to apply for Canadian PR? I have a US GC and my wife study in Canada, is it a problem to apply Canadian PR? :confused:
Hi Joef, can u please advise me on the following :

I applied for canadia PR few months back but sent an application to withdraw
it as soon as I got my US GC. So I never got canadian PR. Can I still have
problem with US GC in future as you say that the databases are linked now
a days ?