US born citizen deported

They claimed he stated he was Mexican, but I'm sure those words about being Mexican never came out of his own mouth; he simply signed a statement that ICE made up, without understanding what he was signing due to his mental disability.

This problem is a result of ICE agents apparently being graded on how many people they deport, without being penalized heavily for wrong deportations, so in order to run up their numbers they will ignore or fail to properly investigate claims to US citizenship.
This problem is a result of ICE agents apparently being graded on how many people they deport, without being penalized heavily for wrong deportations, so in order to run up their numbers they will ignore or fail to properly investigate claims to US citizenship.

There is a big difference in mindset between US ICE and US CIS. One is primarily an enforcement organization and the other is primarily a benefits providing organization.

Under the old, pre-9/11 INS structure, the enforcement arm of INS was historically under-funded and the mission relatively de-emphasized. After the creation of DHS, a new set of immigration-related entities came into existence, who were collectively referred to during that transition as the "tri-bureau". The so-called "tri-bureau" consisted of CIS, ICE, and CBP. The disaggregation of INS and reaggregation of its elements, as well as those of other agencies, into the three new agencies created pretty significant organizational and cultural differences in terms of their attitudes towards immigrants.

Now the term "tri-bureau" is not really used anymore because these agencies have carved out distinct missions and areas of responsibility. However, they do constantly exchange information with each other, but what they do with that information is different. CIS uses an A-File to determine eligibility for immigration benefits. ICE uses information in an A-File as evidence. ICE agents are cops with arrest powers - they carry guns and wear badges.

The previous administration's efforts to curtain illegal immigration by focusing on the aliens, as opposed to their employers, has led to a whole set of policies put into place by ICE that some immigration advocates have construed as constitutional over-reaching. These advocates have filed lawsuits against ICE for some of the more public raids and incidents. This deportation of a US citizen would seem to be an extreme case of a policy being misapplied.

So when you read about stories like this, it is ICE that is involved and not usually CIS.