Update about TVU by Indian Embassy


New Member
Lets hope for the best!
Lets hope for the best!
I find it stupid, posting a link which i guess most of us knew 2 days back? On top of that it is useless link with useless information . its not an update to anything. If you feel it is informative please let us know why and how ?
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Thank god atleast the senators in US think that the students were defrauded n they r not part of the crime ...! Hope this shuts mouth of people like "Jo1234"

Several top U.S. senators are calling on the Obama administration to crack down on so-called "sham universities" which serve as a front for getting foreign nationals into the United States on student visas.
Warning about the danger of criminals and terrorists exploiting this security gap to gain entry into the country, the senators proposed new legislation increasing penalties for those operating the colleges and urged two federal departments overseeing the visa and immigration system to do a better job tracking down fraud.
"These so-called schools not only defraud students and violate immigration laws, but they pose a real threat to our country," the senators wrote in the letter Sunday to officials at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The letter was signed by Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.; and Jon Tester, D-Mont.
"When the student visa program can easily be manipulated by bad actors, it threatens the viability of the entire program for the large majority of bona fide participants. Fraud in the student visa program is especially troubling given that several of the 9/11 terrorists entered the country using the student visa program," they wrote.
Federal officials have taken action against some of these so-called schools, which don't provide coursework or classes. The senators cited the case of Tri-Valley University in California, which was raided by ICE officials earlier this year. ICE officials had noticed enrollment soaring to 1,500 -- with students mostly coming from the same region of India -- and conducted a sting operation. Court documents said the university was a "sham" since its inception.

The senators also cited the case of two other California "schools" busted for providing student visas to Russian prostitutes and others who would have been ineligible. Three "schools" in New York were closed in 2006 and 2007.
Despite these cases, the senators say more needs to be done. They urged both agencies to produce a list of "high-risk factors for fraud" within 90 days and then visit any school exhibiting those factors. These factors could cover schools that are not accredited or conduct classes mostly online, the senators wrote.
Further, they urged more coordination among USCIS, ICE and the Department of State when it comes to student visas. And they said "we are committed" to introducing a bill to toughen penalties for this kind of fraud.
"These new penalties will assist you in obtaining justice for the bad actors who compromise our system," they wrote.
The senators also urged the Government Accountability Office to review how visas are doled out to those attending student exchange visitor programs. The letter cited Department of Homeland Security statistics showing more than 10,000 schools are approved to accept foreign nationals through these programs.
Thank god atleast the senators in US think that the students were defrauded n they r not part of the crime
That's a non sequitur.
Fraud by the institutions doesn't mean that students weren't participants.
In fact, the Senators warn that this can be used by terrorists, meaning the students who sign up with these fake institutions could be potential terrorists.
Yet more reason to avoid all the other similarly shady institutions out there, the ITU, Herguan, UNVA.
The government in my opinion should only allow universities which have been established and accredited in their respective fields to be able to issue I-20's for students abroad. Establishment can be any university at least 10 years in the making. And they should be able to admit foreign students only in the field in which they have accreditation. Well in case of terrorists using F-1 visa to enter USA is nonsensical as they can also use the B1/B2 route. The scrutiny and paper work required for a B1/B2 visa is even less than that of a F-1 visa. The government should immediately take action to shut down UNVA, Herugan, ITU etc as it undermines USA and its credibility in the world, as the world looks up to us as a role model. It really pains to see such shady characters bringing disrepute to an otherwise excellent educational system in the USA.
That's a non sequitur.
Fraud by the institutions doesn't mean that students weren't participants.
In fact, the Senators warn that this can be used by terrorists, meaning the students who sign up with these fake institutions could be potential terrorists.
Yet more reason to avoid all the other similarly shady institutions out there, the ITU, Herguan, UNVA.
How silly can be the senator's arguement. If you recall 9/11 incident, no dumb fool could have sketched such a plan and executed it so cleverly. If you look at the 9/11 plane hitting WTC, it hit just the right column of the building, to collapse the entire building. Hitting the building anywhere else wouldn't have collapsed the building for sure. If those terrorists were alive i'm sure they would have scored atleast a 1450 on GRE. They can as easily get into good institutions as much as in diploma mills. The senator's arguement is flawed!!.
How silly can be the senator's arguement.
I didn't say they are right, it just was what their press release said.
The problem is that politicians want something, anything done. And the end result is a flawed law. SEVIS was introduced after 9/11, as response to the fact that the terrorists could enroll in a university and their attendance was not tracked. Because after 9/11, something, anything, had to be done to show the public that the politicians were on top of things, things weren't thought through, and we got a SEVIS with loopholes that shady institutions were quick to exploit. Institutions like TVU, ITU, Herguan, UNVA would not exist if the politicians hadn't rushed things after 9/11; and if students would actually do their homework before selecting a university. But then, we have other such flawed laws, like the TSA stupidity.
Anyway, as result of the TVU case, I expect SEVIS to get a lot stricter, which will hurt legitimate students. Collateral damage. And that was always my main concern. That's why I was very outspoken against TVU and urged people to not sign up with them.
The government in my opinion should only allow universities which have been established and accredited in their respective fields to be able to issue I-20's for students abroad. Establishment can be any university at least 10 years in the making. And they should be able to admit foreign students only in the field in which they have accreditation.
The problem is that SEVIS is also used for vocational schools, like language schools, flight schools, etc., which issue I-20s for M-1 visas.
Such schools don't need and don't have accreditation. For flight schools, for example, there is an exam administered by an FAA examiner at the end, and that's all that matters (actually, the flight instructor has to sign off on it before the FAA examiner would test the student.)
SEVIS should really only be for F1s, i.e., academic studies. And that should be for accredited institutions only. Basically, before SEVIS was introduced, that's how it worked.
For M1s, there should be a different list.
hey joe dont u have any other work. wht is ur problem. we are in a crunch situation and u are discouraging us. dont be foolish.
hey joe dont u have any other work. wht is ur problem. we are in a crunch situation and u are discouraging us. dont be foolish.

I have work, lots of work, thank you very much.
And I don't have problems, you have.
So, it is foolish to p*ss off people who can give you information. Just as it was foolish of you to not educate yourself about TVU before you signed up with them.
I have posted information about the shady nature of TVU since April 2010. If, instead of trying to shoot the messenger, you had actually listened, you wouldn't be in the predicament you are in now.
So, I suggest you actually post content instead of trying to shoot the messenger.
While I can sympathize with your plight, posts like yours make it much harder to do so, because people like you are still in denial.
Oh, and I don't discourage anybody, I provide information that I have when I have it. I had information in Sept. 2010 that ICE was investigating TVU. I provided that information. If you dismissed it, it is not my problem.
And finally, with the situation in Japan, there are more pressing things in the world than TVU. People have died there, and there is still a risk of radiation poisoning. So, put things in perspective, please.
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