TSK Processing Time is out! The same as before!!!

Its Good News

I know you looked at the date and saw no change, but you missed one very important piece of information

The number of cases pending is now 60,507 from 69,653 from the last time the report was published. I don\'t think I have ever seen such a change at TSC before. The last two times the report was updated the number of pending cases has actually increased.

IMO They keep the processing date as 03/01/2000 for 2 reasons

1) They do a few have cases (few relative to the total number) that are still pending from that time or before.

2) To prevent people from contacting Senators/Congress-person. If they reported they were actually processing cases from Dec 2000 / Jan 2001 cases, like it look like to me. Then they would be inundated with calls from all pending cases prior to that date.

I am not saying they are right, and I do think they should be processing case FIFO.

Overall this is very good new for TSC applicants, regardless of the backlog, there seems to be a push to get it reduced.
EB1 (EA) India PD 06/13/2000 RD 03/08/2001 ND 03/21/2001 Dallas Area

I did not see any changes in the TSC information following the link.
Need to refresh the frame

I had same problem when I visited the page. Go to www.shusterman.com ... click on Processing Time (US Immi News box bottom) ... Click on Texas (Southern) and then when the page shows up with the processing times right click on the page (if using IE) and click refresh. This is just a cacheing problem no biggie.
Good analysis

They should have processed the cases FIFO. It is fairer and the applicants will have a better idea when their luck should come!

No Title

By looking at the number of days pending, the report status seems to be as of 01/31/2002